Fall Term 1 | 10

The direction of this next academic year is defined by a thesis I will propose. Studies will be geared towards a topic of personal interest. This topic will be defined more clearly upon closer inspection of my Ecodistrict and assessing the research on the needs of the site.  The defining thesis topic will be thoroughly investigated to give a clear sense of structure for the development of the project. Research and studies I will conduct over the next year will be in the form of readings, site visits, client meetings, consultant meetings, personal investigations, design studies and professor guidance. I will write weekly blogs to organize and share my thoughts, project development and research.

These past few weeks I have been reading about Ecodistrics, Civic Ecology, Biophilia and Ecological Urbanism. My initial thought regarding site location is to choose to study the Lloyd District of Portland, Oregon. Reasons for this is its ease of access and close proximity to where I live, its current establishment as an Ecodistrict, and the abundance of possible consultants throughout Portland, with which to approach, during my studies and development of this project.

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