Moving Forward: Design Considerations

BIOSYNERGIES: I have put a lot of focus and effort into the building and site interactions with water and I think that they are working toward a successful design. To move forward, I need to refine the design and create stronger connections between the water interactions on vertical and horizontal surfaces, as well as the transition from stormwater to the reintroduction into the Willamette River. The building response to the solar environment also needs to be addressed more. I will be placing more focus on the south side of the residential tower to integrate solar strategies more elegantly into the design.

ORGANIZATION: The spatial order and hierarchy seem to be working well in the plan, but could be expressed more in the section. There is a lot of opportunity for carving into the site more and creating more dynamic educational and artistic spaces.

EXPERIENCE: Organizationally it would make sense for the users, but I need to develop the interior of the building much more. I have been focusing on the exterior movement through the site and how people would interact with water, but I think there is a lot of opportunity to explore the experience of water within the building as well.

FACADE: My design has a very strong gesture to the public on the facade tower, and a much more subtle, organized expression on the podium level. I need to develop them further to either be more cohesive or work off of each other as very separate statements. My next step will be to make a decision of which would work better in this site and community, and communicate my ideas best. The transitional spaces between indoor and outdoor also leave opportunity for development.

TECTONICS: At this point I believe the structure and skin to be appropriate, but the development of the underground parking and the tower skin system will be the deciding factors.

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