Midterm Review

Moving forward from the schemes I presented a week before,  I have put together a midterm presentation posted below.

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Still taking into account my users and my program, I have diagramed out each need along the axis of the presentation board.

Developing the concept, you can see my main concept sketches along the top of the board.

A section through the building showing the main entry sequence, the visual axis to the therapy garden space and practice space dome, and the more private garden and living spaces above.  The curved structure could become shadding devices or a framework for verticle resource movement.

The Axon, was a quick sketch I did of a very dynamic facade overlaying the general massing of the building.

The persepectives along the center of the board show the urban context, light moving through the practice space, the main entry, and a possible view from an exam room in the healing center of the garden and downtown Portland’s skyline.


Work in section to develop the verticle relationships (especially of garden)

Narrow the program user to women who abuse drugs or alcohol who are also pregnant or with a new born.  (Add daycare to the program)

Start filling retail and housing with furniture to help define spaces beter

Let there be one large curve for program element against the rectangular bar of permanent housing. Conceptually this is about the more flexible lifestyle of those going through the program to the more stable lifestyle of those in permanent housing.



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