Midterm review Reflection

In terms of my midterm review, I received a lot of great feedback. I have a solid understanding of the urban design elements that will make my building response stronger. Revisions that I will make to my urban design scheme include: re-working the park dimensions to fit a larger audience, strengthen the connections between the nearby theaters, develop what the pedestrian links look like/ what might that experience be during the day vs. at night, think about a secondary green space dedicated to the smaller residential units, and consider incorporating green facades or housing terraces to strengthen the building’s connection to the park space.

My building concept for the midterm was more diagrammatic than an accurate representation of the experience, form, or facade, I have a good understanding of how the programmatic elements interact and connect but I need to begin developing these connections and designing how these spaces interact and support the urban design elements that are critical to the success of my building, I also received feedback about the relationship of my media facade to the park space and interior of my building. Can a green screen or vegetated surface interact with the media facade or serve as an element within the media facade? Instead of isolating a specific region of the site for outdoor space,  consider a more integrated landscape or park feature. The most valuable comment was to maintain a direct focus throughout the term, in other words, work on developing the most critical aspects of my scheme like the park, the horizontal bar that organizes my building footprint and vertical circulation, and connecting pedestrians to the park space from Hollywood Blvd.  These elements need to be clear through all the other elements of my design and will help direct my focus and have a stronger project.

In terms of spatial organization, the largest are for improvement is the connections from Hollywood blvd to the park and how the housing fits on top of the museum elements and how does that connect to the park via outdoor terraces and private green space? Also, it will be helpful to represent the bioswales and green street developments with a more developed concept or street section.

The overall concepts are working well for my scheme it is a matter of defining the connections in the next steps.

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