Concept Site Designs

During the last few weeks, we have been working on developing a strong overall concept for our building design. To begin I made some concept sketches with charcoal.  The concept was the temple within the grove and I explored different aspects of it here:


Root System of Resource Flow


A path through a grove of trees


A Sacred Burial Ground


The Path of Abandoning the Ego




Then I revisited my initial site context analysis and developed it further to include a master plan for my site and the surrounding blocks.

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The Urban Environment as it stands is in need of repair.  In an attempt to develop an ecodistrict, the major moves I took were:

(1) Redesigning Multnomah Street.  As it is soon to be repaved I saw this as a prime opportunity to affect the streetscape in front of my building.  I am proposing a one way street of three lanes moving west to east, as Holladay just to the south has two lanes moving east to west, with a buffer of green or parallel parking between the traffic and a two way bicycle boulevard.

(2) Pedestrian Corridor and Development of Sewer Harvesting System.  As the sewer system within these four blocks is privately maintained, I saw the development of pedestrian pathways (seen in gold) between the developments as an opportunity to also build the infrastructure to harvest heat from the sewer.  This would also enhance the visual axes from the north to the convention center and from the east to downtown.

(3) Development of Mixed Uses.  This requires varying peak times of use from the weekday office to the weekend dance hall, as well as a variety of transportation and housing. I have the ability to create two varieties of housing: (1) temporary housing for those in drug rehabilitation, and (2) permanent low-income housing for those continuing to stay clean.  There exists high income housing directly north of my site and I have proposed market rate housing to the east and west.


I also studied my program along with the users of the building.  See program matrix below along with user access diagram:

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In differentiating which program elements would be accessed by whom at what time I came up with four schemes.  They are diagramed below:

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No one scheme is better than the rest, but instead I will be taking from each as I develop my scheme for the midterm.  Those aspects that I will maintain are:

– Garden Space on the south side to optimize solar access and at multiple levels for Private and Public Green Spaces

– A private Practice Space removed from the first floor for quiet and private use

– The grouping of Therapy Garden, Healthcare, and Food Service for each to be the most effective

– The grouping of Permanent Housing and Employment Services and potentially Food Service so that those who have overcome their addiction can give back to those still struggling and create a supportive community

– A clear visual and potentially physical axis as defined by my Urban Plan east to west and north to south.


NEXT STEPS: creating a visually stimulating axonometric of the district, creating more distinct user profiles, creating floor plans and sections of a combination of schemes for our Midterm on Monday February 13th.


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