Review of Urban Design Pin-up


Overall the feedback I received on my design was very positive. Reviewers said they loved my ideas on focusing on the interactions of residents with the sustainable attributes of the building to educated people. They suggested that I focus more on this idea by looking directly at how my building form has been affected by the site’s wind, water, and sun characteristics.



My site’s urban design was very effective because I worked off of Portland Park & Rec.’s original plan for the area and used my site to heighten the effectiveness of their recreational node. This worked to create SW Gibbs as a powerful commercial axis.

Project Development:

Reviewers thought I had a great program for the area but suggested that I increase my building’s site response to the wind, water, and sun characteristics of the area while also developing my goals towards interactive sustainable design.


Because my building’s priority is to create an interactive sustainable design that actually educates users, responding to the sun, water, wind and wildlife resources of the South Waterfront area is of utmost importance. In my future designs I will be looking more extensively at how these features can mold the form of the building.

Next Steps:

My major priority will be looking at how interactive sustainability can educate users. This will require extensive research.

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