Micro Structure Models
Model 1:
Model 2:
Model 3:
Reflection on Review Critique
I learned from the Bio-Structure assignment that I should revisit my goals for this terminal project. Specifically, my level of dependence on the BioSynergy characteristics of spider webs in my design. I learned that if I’m going to continue with Spider webs I need to approach the design using a less literal connection to spider webs and a greater emphasis on the metaphorical meanings behind it. New design approaches will include more sketching of principle ideas in my process.
The characteristics that define the most successful Bio-Structure efforts were ones that emphasized broader relationships to one’s Bio-Synergy element. The aspects of this small-scale design that can productively shape my building design are the ones that incorporated the strength of tensile structures with less built forms. Using less posts and connected to already constructed elements more would connect back to spiders better. My Design will address critical comments by taking a broader approach to spider webs.