In the nature, plants and organisms simply transform or move to maximize access to natural resources such as sunlight or minimize exposure to other elements. While these characteristics might not directly translate into a building form or structure, the idea of transformability can play an integral role in creating a built environment that responds to user interactions and changing needs.
For the purpose of this assignment, I created simple physical models that physically transform to respond to the environmental changes (rain and sun) as well as user interaction. Starting with shading devices that collect rainwater and visually transform using a counter-weight system, simple surfaces that move through wind exposure or user interaction, and eventually translating these ideas into an enclosure that opens up and closes to facilitate different activities.
I am interested in translating these ideas into transformable spaces that accommodate a wide range of activities that result in cross-cultural interaction and learning. By consolidating different program elements, the building footprint would be reduced and we would be able to allocate more spaces to public outdoor spaces.