Through exploring structure, and connections to a biological organism as inspiration for my building design, I discovered a few things that do work and some that do not. I enjoyed playing around with forms and interlocking elements to create the building screen, but I think that if I truly want to use biomimicry as a source of inspiration in the project, I will need to dive back into research to understand how the joints of the human body function and if this is at all related to how the building will function as a moveable piece of architecture.
It is important to keep in mind how the building will emerge at all scales, so as we move forward in looking at the overall massing design and “big picture” goals, it will be helpful to keep in mind the transition spaces where this wall screen could become interactive in a variety of spaces. It is a detail to the facade, but it could also play a major role in how the form is shaped.
From the pin-up review of our projects, I also realized that design is often about trial and error. We all explore many alternatives before coming up with an idea that sticks, and to be flexible in the process only allows for the greatest outcome. There are many sketches that will probably be saved in my notebook for another time, but in working out different concepts, I have learned that the ability to change and transform an idea is beneficial to every project. I hope to use this mindset in solving the next set of challenges in this coming week in terms of site concepts and parti designs.