
I will be visiting two Transition Projects within Portland to get an idea of what sorts of projects are currently effective and being used:

– The first is the Bud Clark Commons at 665 NW Hoyt Street

– The second is Jean’s Place: 18 NE 11th Avenue


I will also be conducting multiple interviews in order to get insight on my proposed program:

– The first will be with Ben Gates at 8am on November 10th (details to follow)

– The second will be with Rachel Duke, the Manager of Operations and Partnerships at Bud Clark Commons (currently scheduling an interview)

– I hope to have multiple interviews of occupants of the Bud Clark Commons as I get to know their concerns when I volunteer


In looking over the the Transition Projects Website and stopping in Bud Clark Commons and noticing the weekly events calander I have began to list the major activities:

– Lodging – Day and Night

– Food service

– Employment Assistance

– Alcohol and Drug outpatience Programs

– Therapy – Art/Craft and Speaking

– Laundry

– Social Time – Movie nights and Bingo


This is my first attempt at a Program to include these activities:

Download this file

I am currently working on a Photocollage to encasulate the emotional essence of these activities


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