Lloyd District Site Diagrams

In trying to employ a certain diagramming method, I looked towards MVRDV’s techniques in capturing a site’s essence from many perspectives. MVRDV’s diagrams ranged from micro-macro scales. Diagrams that I felt were essential to capture were traffic conditions, greenscapes, and parking lots.

People in transition held a strong presence while on the site and as i walked around the Rose Quarter, I could not help but to feel overwhelmed with the amount of  movement going on. This condition I tried to capture with the “traffic arteries” diagram so that one may visualize the big and small arteries that revolve around the site and that people use to drive, ride a bike, take the bus, ride the max, or walk through. Next, I diagrammed what I felt was a disease or virus in the Lloyd. Parking lots were an ever-present element and the grandiosity of the void around the Rose Quarter was an immense one. This was an important observation because it is, in  my opinion, part of the problem of this area. Parking lots are lost opportunities for what could have been a benefit to the health of public life. Lastly, I diagrammed the greenscapes while zoomed out into the larger context. Greescapes are an important feature of environmental sustainability and I felt it was important to capture that in a graphic to make the point that greenscapes don’t have a place in the Lloyd District by large. All in all, I think these forms of diagramming and shifting lenses from micro-macro is an effective way to capture the obvious and not so apparent forces working around a site. 
















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