In order to find inspiration through something sculptural, I played around with a wiry, intertwining force of nature that wraps around the rigid building forms. The gray chip board is to represent the existing buildings along Holladay Street, as they are old and somewhat conventional. With the shiny mesh, I wanted to create a shimmery, silver appearance that would enliven the street, and the green wire is to show my goal in wrapping the buildings together with a natural, pedestrian-friendly environment.
The wire also represents the grapevine, as a natural organism I have been researching. It symbolizes the way vines grow in nature, reaching out to nearby objects for support, which in terms of a building could mean using existing buildings for shared structure, utilities, and other resources. The silvery mesh is showing an urban fabric that I have not yet decided on the actual appearance, but I have something in mind that relates to the canopy idea of filtering light in different ways.