
Selected Academic Papers and Posters

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  1. “Does the Ohio River Flow All the Way to New Orleans?”
    R.P. Brooks, P.W. Limpisathian, T. Gould, T. Mazurczyk, E. Sava and W. J. Mitsch
    Referred article in the Journal of the American Water Resources Association, February 2018
  2. “Evaluating visual contrast and hierarchy relations of cartographic features across multi-scale map displays”
    P.W. Limpisathian
    Master’s Degree Thesis at The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA August 2017
  3. Towards ContrastBrewer: Evaluating visual contrast and hierarchy relations of cartographic features across multi-scale map displays
    P.W. Limpisathian, and C. Brewer
    Poster presented at the International Cartographic Conference 2017 (ICC2017), Washington, DC,  July 2017
    – Based on master’s degree thesis research.
  4. “Spatial Analysis of Bio-refining Potential in the Northeast U.S.”
    P.W. Limpisathian, R.E. Baxter and K. Calvert
    Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Association of American Geographers, San Francisco, CA, March 2016
  5. “Custom Cartography of Frank Lloyd Wright Sites for UNESCO World Heritage Nomination”
    P.W. Limpisathian, C. Brewer and S.W. Perkins
    Poster presented at the annual meeting of the North American Cartographic Information Society (NACIS), Minneapolis, MN, October 2015
    – Based on ICC2015 proceedings paper.
  6. “Custom Cartography of Frank Lloyd Wright Sites for UNESCO World Heritage Nomination”
    P.W. Limpisathian, C. Brewer and S.W. Perkins
    Paper at the International Cartographic Conference 2015 (ICC2015), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil August 2015
  7. “Custom Cartography of Frank Lloyd Wright Sites for UNESCO World Heritage Nomination”
    P.W. Limpisathian, C. Brewer, H. Clauss and S.W. Perkins
    Illustrated paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Chicago, IL, April 2015
    – Based on ICC2015 proceedings paper.

Books and Prints

  1. “Wild Migrations: Atlas of Wyoming’s Ungulates”
    Contributing Cartographer, Book by Matthew J. Kauffman, James E. Meacham, Hall Sawyer, Alethea Y. Steingisser, William J. Rudd and Emilene Ostlind, Oregon State University Press, October 2018
  2. “Designing Better Maps: A Guide for GIS Users, Second Edition”
    Contributing Cartographer, Book by Cynthia A. Brewer, Esri Press, January 2016
  3. “Nomination to the World Heritage List by the United States of America: Key Works of Modern Architecture by Frank Lloyd Wright”
    Principal Cartographer, Nomination Dossier (Book) by Frank Lloyd Wright Building Conservancy and US National Park Service, August 2015

Last updated on 2/7/2019

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