Remix discussion

What is creativity? I learned from my business teacher that mixing things together is creativity. This is a new idea which I did not learn before. When I was in China, teacher always tough that creativity need freedom, imagination. I think that put them together, and it will become more better. When we talk about remix culture, I think that some people may doubt that whether is it art or valuable. In the LED talk, the speaker, Lawrence Lessig think that Law kill the people’s creativity. He addresses the copy right issue. He thinks that take content from other people can change it, it will be new things. It is creativity.  Law should protect. According to my point of view, it really depends. I do believe that remix can make good things which are creativity, but we also need to respect to the original author. If you do not get permission from the original author, you should not change it, or you steal other people’s thing. For example, you stole your neighborhood’s car and change it, do you think it is your car? So I think even you want to remix others’ stuff, you should get permission. There is another issue, in the current world, it it pretty hard to people create new things because too much content in the Internet and media. Too much thing are protect by the law, and people can not change it. It limit people’s ability to create new things. I also do not know how to figure this questions. Do you have any ideas ?