Food as art research Paper

Food as art research

Is food art? Before I read the reading material, I never think about any relationship between food and art. After I read the reading material, I had some understanding about what is art. In my opinion, some kind of food can be viewed as art. However, it should have some conditions. First, the food should contain emotions. Second, the food should look beautiful. Third, the food should taste well. In the article which I read online, it talked about author’s attitude about food as art. He raised a question, whether food can be considered an art form resonates among scholars, practitioners, and aficionados. In his opinion, he thinks that food can be considered as art. He has two points. First, innovation and creativity are included among the traits that are most commonly attributed to a successful chef in the highest spheres of haute cuisine. Chefs are not just craftsmen, they have emotion to cook and want to offer dishes that stimulate and surprise patrons. Second, the contemporary high-end food scene, at least on certain levels, enjoys great prestige and intellectual cachet, at times comparable to other more historically affirmed forms of artistic expression.

According to the article, the author thinks that food is art. First, Chefs are not just craftsmen, but they want to express their emotion or ideas, and want to surprise customers. Second, high –end food chefs enjoys great prestige and intellectual cachet. I agree with this idea. The food they made is totally different from fast food. The food which high-end chefs made is beautiful, delicious, and enjoyable. This kind food definitely is work of art. What is art?  In the reading, the author said that I believe, by considering art in the broadest possible perspective, as a universal need and propensity of the human species (p21). It means that anything fulfill people’s universal need can be considered as art. It does not must be music, painting or traditional work of art. According to this, I think that food can be viewed as art. In my opinion, I think that anything that is beautiful, meaningful, and special is work of art. In this accept, food also can be viewed as art.

In the reading material, food as art, the author thinks that art is something we will react aesthetic. In this point of view, food can be art too. When a delicious food in front of me, I will feel that it is so beautiful. I think that food is kind of visual art. In the other hand, food is other kind of art. People eat food. People watch paintings. People listen to music. They are three kind of enjoying. So I think that food is eating art. When people eat the food, people feel the emotion from the chefs and the message from chefs. Wow, when delicious food was eaten, people always enjoy about it. It just like people enjoy in music. It is same kind of feelings. When we eat the food, we can understand how it is beautiful, and how it is good. The most beautiful moment, it is the moment we eat it. From Ellen Dissanayake’s essay, the author thinks that anything which is special is art. Besides, art has very important meanings to human beings. In the food, customers can feel the important message from chefs. Delicious food or traditional food are very special, and takes a lot of time to cook. This kind of food has history, and contains many people’s effort.

In my opinion, I think that some good food can be viewed as art. For example, Beijing roast duck is work of art. However, it does not mean that all the Beijing roast duck is work of art. Only the Beijing roast duck cooked by the famous chefs in quanjude, a famous traditional restaurant is work of art. The chefs can be viewed as artist, because it need time to train or educate, and need talent. Therefore, it does not mean any kind of food is work of art. Fast food definitely is not work of art. If fast food can be viewed as art, and then computer also can be viewed as art. Fast food only has the functional to fulfill people’s appetite.


Works Cited

Tefler, E. (2002). Food as Art. In Neill, A. & Riley, A. (eds.) Arguing About Art: Contemporary Philosophical Debates (2nd ed., Chap. 2). New York, NY: Routledge.become art because of the design may not change with the time goes on.

Dissanayake, E. (1991). What is art for? In K. C. Caroll (Ed.). Keynote adresses 1991 (NAEA Convention), (pp.15-26). Reston, VA: National Art Education Association.

Parasecoli, F. (2013). Is Food Art? Chefs, Creativity, and the Restaurant Business? Retrieved Feb 2, 2014 from



Is food Art? Discussion

Is food Art? Discussion

I believe that some special food can be art in certain situation. It depends on how people view food, and the definition of art. In the reading, the author wrote that philosopher J. O. Urmsom, he think that art is something we will react aesthetic. As a result, food can be art. Anything is beautiful can be art. Is food beautiful? Different people have different ideas. Sometimes I think that Food is very beautiful, because it looks beautiful.

From Ellen Dissanayake’s essay, the author think that anything which is special is art. Besides, art has very important meanings to human beings. As a result, some food can be art, because sometimes some food is special and may have important meanings to people. For example, the birthday cake has the special meaning for some people. For another example, some dinner may have special meaning for some people, especially, there are many kinds of dinners have different meanings. When the baby born at 100 days, the family should have a big dinner with relatives. When people get married, when people die, when people move in to new house, every time big event happen, people need to invite relatives to have dinner. It depends on the importance of the event, some events may keep some days.

According to my point of view, I don’t think that any food is art. It needs some conditions to become art. First, it should looks beautiful. Second, it should important to people, which can have some special meanings. Third, it may cooked by some famous cook which have special talent.

It is very hard to decide food can be art all the time because with the time goes on, the taste and smell of food will changed, it will hurt the feeling oof aesthetic. Therefore, some design of the food may become art because of the design may not change with the time goes on.


Tefler, E. (2002). Food as Art. In Neill, A. & Riley, A. (eds.) Arguing About Art: Contemporary Philosophical Debates (2nd ed., Chap. 2). New York, NY: Routledge.become art because of the design may not change with the time goes on.