Life Value Assessment

  1. Health
  2. Security
  3. Integrity
  4. Family
  5. Wealth
  6. Enjoyment
  7. Expertness
  8. Friendship
  9. Independence
  10. Wisdom
  11. Loyalty
  12. Service
  13. Location
  14. Power
  15. Creativity
  16. Leadership
  17. Personal Accomplishment
  18. Personal Development
  19. Prestige
  20. Community


Today, I got up at 9 o’clock, and watch my phone. I usually want to read news and then got up. I usually will look sports news and finance news and also took a look at my stocks. At 12o’clock, I went to have lunch at a restaurant. I usually did not cook. After that, I went back and look my computer, and watched games online because I like play online games. During that time, I also did some homework. And then I was playing games. At 7 o’clock, I noticed that I need to finish my AAD work and have dinner think that most of my activities represent my values. First, health, I went to have lunch at restaurant, and ordered a vegetarian dish because I have some health problem and I need to eat vegetables. Second, Wealth, I am trying to make some money, so I always watch stocks, and bought some. Third, security, I basically stayed at home all day. Forth, enjoyment, I played games and watched games and news.


To be honest, I don’t what kind of value my parents have. I think that health, wealth, family, which they should believe. For family, I think that most Chinese people may have higher standard for that, and my family and me also think this is extremely important for us. Most Chinese children do not live far away from parents when they grow up or organize a new family. Wealth, I think my parents definitely pursued wealth very much.  They did business for a long time and were successful. I think it is location, my parents still live in a small city and have their company in a small town, because they think they should stay in there and it may let them live more comfortable. But I think I can live anywhere in this world. Besides, power, they want some power, but I do not. My goal is to have my career in finance area. However, I have to study and after I graduated, I have to go to my parents’ company to manage. I was studying in finance and invested in stocks.

Personal explanation about six models to arrive our values

The author of the reading asked this question: If values are freely chosen personal evaluations and belief, how do we arrive at these evaluations and belief? (p8).The author thinks that there are four basic and two major synthetic mental models, which we use these model to arrive at our personal value. The four basic models are sense experience model, deductive logic model, emotion model, and intuition model. The two major synthetic models are authority model and science.  I’m interested in this content and agree most argument which the author made. It is easy to understand that we use four basic models to believe something. For example, I believe sun is round, because I can see it. It shows that I use sense experience model to believe something. For example, I believe that Starbucks sell coffee in America because Starbucks sell coffee in China. I use deductive logic to believe that. For example, I believe that may parents love me because I feel this is true. I use emotion model to believe. For example, I believe it will rain tomorrow, it shows that I use intuition model to believe. Those examples are my personal examples, and they are not totally arrived by one basic model, usually I will use more than one model to believe something, duo to different things, I may use different model to believe or to build value. For the authority mode, I feel it is very correct. Many of my value were arrive by the authority. For example, I love my country, China, and I will not immigrant to America. It is pretty hard to explain that. I just think that the government or the Chinese society let me to believe that. For the science model, I am a little bit confused. I think that it means that we use hypothesis or experiment to believe something. Duo to my education in China, all students believe that science is truth, and no one can doubt that. Now I believe science may be not true. It is a big change for me, I think it just because America has more freedom, and people can have a lot of values. In China, we are educated to one type of people, people have same or close value, and teachers are always taught us a same value.

For me this book is very helpful and makes me understand many things which I do not understand. However, I believe that Tibet is belong to china, and it is one part of china, and I have to argue that the author. Whatever, like the author said, anyone have bias, and without personal values we cannot live at all (p18). That’s good for us.


Lewis, H. (1990). A Question of Values: Six Ways We Make the Personal Choices That Shape Our Lives. Axios Press.