Enjoying Horror discussion post

I never watch horror movie because I am so afraid about the effects of the directors made. It always makes me cannot sleep. I do not think that I can view it as an aesthetic view. However, I have to watch this video to finish my homework.  In this episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, an example of the use on dietetic sound is that when the women was making dream, a little girl was saying something. In the horror movie, every time little girl will be the sign of horrible things would happen. Every time the girl come to the movie, it will be very horrible. Little girl always say something which are very strange. I think that it definitely contribute to the aesthetic of horror for the video. An example of the use non-dietetic sound is the background music played when large clock is shown. It was very terrible music, and always makes people feel nerves. The reason why I pick this is because it makes me feel nerves. I think that it definitely contribute to the aesthetic of horror for the video. An example of use mise-en-scene is that when Riley and his friend were in the elevator. Such an airtight space also makes people feel nerves. I think that it definitely contribute to the aesthetic of horror for the video. I can not too say too much about the movie. I always think about the sense, which will make me nerves. I do not think that this topic is fit for me. I hope I can have a good dream in the night. I always think about too much which make me cannot sleep.


Whedon, Josh (Writer), & Whedon, Josh (Director). (Dec 14, 1999). Hush [Television series episode]. Mutant Enemy Productions (producer), Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Los Angeles, CA: Warner Bros Studio.

4 thoughts on “Enjoying Horror discussion post”

  1. I think it is good and interesting that you bring up the part with the little girl signing. I feel like there are often little girls singing creepy songs in scary movies but in real life when we see a little girl signing it is usually in a happy cheerful setting. Maybe the reason directors and writers always make little girls set the stage for a horror movie is because it is something that it very uncommon and not natural in the real world. Cute little girls being in horror movies makes people more uncomfortable when watching and therefore they are accomplishing their goals of creating a terrifying scary movie.

  2. (this was supposed to be part of the previous comment, I must have pasted it incorrectly, I am sorry, but here is the second part of my response)

    Also, I think this scene of the girl singing and the dream adds to the desire of the viewer to continue to watch. In the horror article the Carroll quotes Hume on page 277 and Hume says, “Had you the intention to move a person extremely by the narration of any event, the best method of increasing its effect would be artfully to delay the informing him of it, and first to excite his curiosity and impatience before you let him into the secret.” I believe that this is exactly what the director must have been doing during this scene. We, as viewers, are given just a bit of information about an eerie dream Buffy is having, but we really do not have any idea if it is relevant or not, it is only later when the whole episode unfolds that we realize the dream actually contained real images of the episode. The director was exciting our curiosity of what was about to happen, but did not give us the full secrete in one scene.

    Carroll, N. (2002). Why Horror?. In Neill, A. & Riley, A. (eds.) Arguing About Art: Contemporary Philosophical Debates (2nd ed., Chap. 17). New York, NY: Routledge.

  3. I’m pretty agree about what you are talking about. In the movies, directors want to use a normal little girl to address the difference between the real life and the movie. Directors want to use the difference to make people feel fear. Year, we as viewers, just understand a little bit information from the movie, and did not know what is going on. Same as the directors want to use the dark, or midnight to address the fear, because we do not want what go na happen. It is pretty interesting to hear your opinion.

  4. We all have individual needs for what is aesthetically pleasing. I can relate to how you feel, because horror is not pleasing to me. I can respect how the directors and actors try to evoke horror in the viewer by way of directing and how they perform. I do believe that non-diagetic sound is crucial in horror films. Intense scenes can have the slightest of background music that add to the aesthetic of horror. A girl walking alone looking afraid in a dark place with no music can be scary, but adding in non-diagetic sound such as music that is suspenseful adds to the horror.

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