What Is Art For? Essay Assignment

Paleoanthropsychobiological is equal to paleo-anthro-psycho-biological. In the reading material, the author explain the world paleoanthropsychobiological. First, that the idea of art encompass all of human society(i.e., as far back as the Palaeolithic; Second, that include all human societies (i.e., anthropological or cross-cultural;And third, that it accounts for the fact that art is psychological or emotional need and has psychological or emotion effects (p15). The term paleoanthropsychobiological was coined by Ellen Dissanayake.

The author said that “Among these tendencies, I claim, is also the behavior or propensity to ‘make special,’ particularly things that one cares deeply about or activities whose outcome has strong personal significance (Page 8). It means that people are trying to make special and which are important for human beings. Those special things are art for human beings. In the reading, the author has the idea that people will survive by doing special things.

In modernism, art as ideology. The author said that this was that there is a special of art- a disinterested attitude that is separate from one’s own personal; interest in the object, its utility, or its social or religious ramifications(p17). People’idea about art changed from religious to personal. In postmodernism, art as interpretation, the author said that a point of view that calls into question two centuries of assumptions about the elite and special nature of art. People’s idea about art changed to nature.


Dissanayake, E. (1991). What is art for? In K. C. Caroll (Ed.). Keynote adresses 1991 (NAEA Convention), (pp.15-26). Reston, VA: National Art Education Association.


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