Is food Art? Discussion

Is food Art? Discussion

I believe that some special food can be art in certain situation. It depends on how people view food, and the definition of art. In the reading, the author wrote that philosopher J. O. Urmsom, he think that art is something we will react aesthetic. As a result, food can be art. Anything is beautiful can be art. Is food beautiful? Different people have different ideas. Sometimes I think that Food is very beautiful, because it looks beautiful.

From Ellen Dissanayake’s essay, the author think that anything which is special is art. Besides, art has very important meanings to human beings. As a result, some food can be art, because sometimes some food is special and may have important meanings to people. For example, the birthday cake has the special meaning for some people. For another example, some dinner may have special meaning for some people, especially, there are many kinds of dinners have different meanings. When the baby born at 100 days, the family should have a big dinner with relatives. When people get married, when people die, when people move in to new house, every time big event happen, people need to invite relatives to have dinner. It depends on the importance of the event, some events may keep some days.

According to my point of view, I don’t think that any food is art. It needs some conditions to become art. First, it should looks beautiful. Second, it should important to people, which can have some special meanings. Third, it may cooked by some famous cook which have special talent.

It is very hard to decide food can be art all the time because with the time goes on, the taste and smell of food will changed, it will hurt the feeling oof aesthetic. Therefore, some design of the food may become art because of the design may not change with the time goes on.


Tefler, E. (2002). Food as Art. In Neill, A. & Riley, A. (eds.) Arguing About Art: Contemporary Philosophical Debates (2nd ed., Chap. 2). New York, NY: Routledge.become art because of the design may not change with the time goes on.

What Is Art For? Essay Assignment

Paleoanthropsychobiological is equal to paleo-anthro-psycho-biological. In the reading material, the author explain the world paleoanthropsychobiological. First, that the idea of art encompass all of human society(i.e., as far back as the Palaeolithic; Second, that include all human societies (i.e., anthropological or cross-cultural;And third, that it accounts for the fact that art is psychological or emotional need and has psychological or emotion effects (p15). The term paleoanthropsychobiological was coined by Ellen Dissanayake.

The author said that “Among these tendencies, I claim, is also the behavior or propensity to ‘make special,’ particularly things that one cares deeply about or activities whose outcome has strong personal significance (Page 8). It means that people are trying to make special and which are important for human beings. Those special things are art for human beings. In the reading, the author has the idea that people will survive by doing special things.

In modernism, art as ideology. The author said that this was that there is a special of art- a disinterested attitude that is separate from one’s own personal; interest in the object, its utility, or its social or religious ramifications(p17). People’idea about art changed from religious to personal. In postmodernism, art as interpretation, the author said that a point of view that calls into question two centuries of assumptions about the elite and special nature of art. People’s idea about art changed to nature.


Dissanayake, E. (1991). What is art for? In K. C. Caroll (Ed.). Keynote adresses 1991 (NAEA Convention), (pp.15-26). Reston, VA: National Art Education Association.


What is art for?

What is art for?

I was totally no idea about what is art for before I read the reading material. After I read, I still confused about what is he trying to address. It explained a lot about the history of the art, and how the “art” changed during the history. At the end of the reading, the author raised some interesting ideas about art for life’s sake. In the reading, the author said that I believe, by considering art in the broadest possible perspective, as a universal need and propensity of the human species (p21). According to my understanding, it means that art is something which human species like, or love. For me, it is true. For example, during a period of time, people like idea or something very much, and then something with that idea would become art. For another example, a movie which people are like to watch, and then it will become art. If most people do not like something which made by people, and then it would never become art. Art express the idea which people strongly agree with, or the society strongly agree with. The author also concluded hat the species-centered view of art I have developed here claims that there is valid and intrinsic association between what humans have always found to be important, and certain ways-called the arts-that they have found to manifest, reinforce, and grasp this importance (p26). It means that art are something are important to human beings and try to manifest, reinforce, and grasp this importance.

For me, I think that anything that is beautiful or special is art. Art is which human beings try to express their emotion. In the current society, people have different idea about the world. More and more activity become art. The author think that art is something which are important to human beings. I think this is why the author try to explain the history of art, and then explain what is art for. To be honest, I do not agree with the idea of the author, art does not to be important to all human beings. It is a little bit hard to explain, I mean anything individual people like which is art. It does not need to be affirmed by other people.

Dissanayake, E. (1991). What is art for? In K. C. Caroll (Ed.). Keynote adresses 1991 (NAEA Convention), (pp.15-26). Reston, VA: National Art Education Association.

Values Discussion

I posted three discussion on other people’s blog, but they did not replay.

1.I agree with that every in this world are different and different people have different value. As you talked about, many religious people have their same value, such as believing god. I know that you want express that individual are different and have different value. But, I fell like some group of people have same value or close value in the world. For example, most Americans have some same values. and most Chinese may have some same values. But these same values are different. I think it is because of different culture or different ancestor or gene. In the reading, the author said that so that there is good deal of evidence that human beings are not primarily driven by genetically determined but are rather to make their own choices (p8). The author give some examples, but I think it does not prove it too much, and think the example does not express the truth. I do agree that people can choose any value they want, but people are also driven by the instinct. For example, if people are driven by the instinct is true. And then , people can not prove that it is true or not true. This question is close to the egg and chicken question, pretty funny. I believe that people are driven by the instinct, which are too hard to read or understand or has the ability to change the instinct.

About the four basic methods and two synthetic methods, which are the author try to explain what are the instinct and how it works. I believe most you talked about and have the same or close value with you. And I think most of our decision are made by more than one methods, or all of these method or more than these six methods. I just want to say that there are too much we do not understand and do not know about ourselves. People are trying to more about themselves and and the same time we can know more about others. This is why I think this topic is so interesting. For example, if you can understand yourself, and then you can understand others. Wow, that was such a big advantage,because of this, we can live better. Just a joke, lol.

2.I pretty with your ideas and the authors idea. Jus like the author talked about “but we might still be controlled by the influence of genes on our underlying personality or, alternatively, by peer pressure, “ (pg 8) We have the same idea about we are controlled by the genes. I think that most of our values are choose by the genes. For example, if we can choose any values, and then it is not possible that Americans and Chinese can have some values. Besides, it is so hard to understand other people’s idea because people can choose any value which they believe. It is interesting. For example, one American guy can only speak English, and one Chinese guy can only speak Chinese. But they can have some same values. If it is not by the genes, how people can do that. Some people may think that people have different ideas, I think it is because of the society. People want to live, so basically they just want to chose some value which are benefit to them. Society can influence people’s value and can not change the genes. So i think that people can choose values but they are still driven by the genes. It is hard to understand, sorry about my English.

3.The reading stated, “there is a good deal of evidence that human beings are not primarily driven by genetically determined instincts” (Lewis 7) It was very interest about this topic. According to my understand, it did not deny that human beings are driven by genetically determined instincts. Because it used the word “primarily”. It means that sometimes we are driven by instincts. As you talked about you always placed education and wisdom close to the top of your list of value and your parents did not explicitly tell you that aspect of their own value. I think it prove that human beings are driven by genetically determined instincts. Even though your parents did not tell you, but you already known that. Just because you have your parents’ genes. It is just my personal idea about this article. If you disagree with my idea, it is totally fine.

Life Value Assessment

  1. Health
  2. Security
  3. Integrity
  4. Family
  5. Wealth
  6. Enjoyment
  7. Expertness
  8. Friendship
  9. Independence
  10. Wisdom
  11. Loyalty
  12. Service
  13. Location
  14. Power
  15. Creativity
  16. Leadership
  17. Personal Accomplishment
  18. Personal Development
  19. Prestige
  20. Community


Today, I got up at 9 o’clock, and watch my phone. I usually want to read news and then got up. I usually will look sports news and finance news and also took a look at my stocks. At 12o’clock, I went to have lunch at a restaurant. I usually did not cook. After that, I went back and look my computer, and watched games online because I like play online games. During that time, I also did some homework. And then I was playing games. At 7 o’clock, I noticed that I need to finish my AAD work and have dinner think that most of my activities represent my values. First, health, I went to have lunch at restaurant, and ordered a vegetarian dish because I have some health problem and I need to eat vegetables. Second, Wealth, I am trying to make some money, so I always watch stocks, and bought some. Third, security, I basically stayed at home all day. Forth, enjoyment, I played games and watched games and news.


To be honest, I don’t what kind of value my parents have. I think that health, wealth, family, which they should believe. For family, I think that most Chinese people may have higher standard for that, and my family and me also think this is extremely important for us. Most Chinese children do not live far away from parents when they grow up or organize a new family. Wealth, I think my parents definitely pursued wealth very much.  They did business for a long time and were successful. I think it is location, my parents still live in a small city and have their company in a small town, because they think they should stay in there and it may let them live more comfortable. But I think I can live anywhere in this world. Besides, power, they want some power, but I do not. My goal is to have my career in finance area. However, I have to study and after I graduated, I have to go to my parents’ company to manage. I was studying in finance and invested in stocks.

Personal explanation about six models to arrive our values

The author of the reading asked this question: If values are freely chosen personal evaluations and belief, how do we arrive at these evaluations and belief? (p8).The author thinks that there are four basic and two major synthetic mental models, which we use these model to arrive at our personal value. The four basic models are sense experience model, deductive logic model, emotion model, and intuition model. The two major synthetic models are authority model and science.  I’m interested in this content and agree most argument which the author made. It is easy to understand that we use four basic models to believe something. For example, I believe sun is round, because I can see it. It shows that I use sense experience model to believe something. For example, I believe that Starbucks sell coffee in America because Starbucks sell coffee in China. I use deductive logic to believe that. For example, I believe that may parents love me because I feel this is true. I use emotion model to believe. For example, I believe it will rain tomorrow, it shows that I use intuition model to believe. Those examples are my personal examples, and they are not totally arrived by one basic model, usually I will use more than one model to believe something, duo to different things, I may use different model to believe or to build value. For the authority mode, I feel it is very correct. Many of my value were arrive by the authority. For example, I love my country, China, and I will not immigrant to America. It is pretty hard to explain that. I just think that the government or the Chinese society let me to believe that. For the science model, I am a little bit confused. I think that it means that we use hypothesis or experiment to believe something. Duo to my education in China, all students believe that science is truth, and no one can doubt that. Now I believe science may be not true. It is a big change for me, I think it just because America has more freedom, and people can have a lot of values. In China, we are educated to one type of people, people have same or close value, and teachers are always taught us a same value.

For me this book is very helpful and makes me understand many things which I do not understand. However, I believe that Tibet is belong to china, and it is one part of china, and I have to argue that the author. Whatever, like the author said, anyone have bias, and without personal values we cannot live at all (p18). That’s good for us.


Lewis, H. (1990). A Question of Values: Six Ways We Make the Personal Choices That Shape Our Lives. Axios Press.

First Blog Post

My major is finance, and I am interested in stock investing.

Therefore, I search this blog to read.

The first article which he wrote is five trend in modern investing.

The main ides are following. More and more people begin to invest because of social responsibility. People still focus on energy, new emerging markets. People care about diversification. People still have a big dream.

I don’t think this article is very useful, it just something which talk about the fact. It conveys that people still want to make a lot of money by the stock market.