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Unit 5 – Discussion Assignment

I really enjoyed doing this exercise and learned a lot about the world and others by doing so. Normally we don’t sit and watch people doing what the do for a long period of time unless we are trying to study something. Yet, its so interesting to see how other people move, think, and represent themselves as. What was so interesting and noticed most, was not the certain actions and moves people did, but in fact the sole idea of everyone is just “doing”. That’s what I kept saying in my head. I posted on the lawn by the river as I watched people in groups walking, individuals skating, bicycling, dog walking, etc. It might be realize how into us most human beings are, and that most people really only worry about their own life’s and what they do. One individual in whom I saw was wearing all black clothes, but not a normal black T and jeans, He had black skinny jeans that were down to his knees, a shiny silver spikey belt, long black hair and vans shoes.  I decided to come up with my own alter ego for this man. His name was Tom; he enjoyed listing to heavy rock music, and enjoyed a nice gloomy dark day.

Next person I took not of was this beautiful lady who had long blonde hair and a skinny body. She was wearing spandex with a raincoat to keep her warm. She was in the process of running across the bridge when I was doing this experiment. She seemed to be wearing headphones for some music and seemed to really enjoy the scenery of the river. I can not relate because I am not a female, yet she seemed like a nice smart college student who was attending the U of O. I can’t say for sure but I believe similar values are present within a common group. We both go to the university and are around the same age, therefore I believe as though our values and beliefs collide. Although I was only able to view this person for a short period due to her running away, it showed all examples of background, gender, health and emotional condition.

Lastly I recorded an older man walking his dog across the bridge. This man looked as though he was a local to Eugene or a possible staff member of the University. He looked as if he was really enjoyed the beautiful morning and wanted to cherish every moment of it. As a 21 year old, it is difficult to understand how he must have felt and what his values and beliefs are. We grew up in different time periods so I thought he probably thinks completely different then how I think of the world. It made me think about examples of cultural background, gender, health, and emotional conditions of my parents and there time era. It’s so interesting because its difficult to put yourself in someone else’s shoes who came way earlier in the world then us. Yet the fact that we can try and understand where someone else is coming from and how they perceive the world is a great way to view cultural background and other examples of a persons attributes.


Category:  Unit 5     

Unit 4 – Food Research

For my article, I decided to read “From Palate to Palette: Can Food be Art” by Jacquelyn Strycker who is an artist and creates drawings and paintings for a living. In this article, she begins talking about her enjoyment towards making her meals, yet felt bad because she would spending hours each night preparing her meal when she believes she should be spending her time more efficiently on being in the studio. What’s interesting is that as she continues to cook her meals, she begins to view it more as a creation of some sort. It no longer became about wasting time, yet more importantly how can I incorporate this into my profession. After a while “I came to see that making food—combining textures, flavors, scents and colors – is also creative”.  All of these aspects of a meal really define itself as an art form. When discussing drawings are paintings, we look at the shade, the textures, the colors, the mood, etc., which if you think about it is very similar to the aspects of creating a meal. She also says “Proust on the madeleine is art, the madeleine itself is not art”. I really love that line because it shows that you must be creative and understand the complexity behind art to create art. As we go more into the article, the author describes the various forms on how food can be art. She explains different artists creations of food art, yet I see food as art not as a portrait or something to look at, I see food as an art as its flavors, and smell and colors. Its not the image of the food that I believe makes it art, it’s the creation of flavors that is put together to create a whole.

Issues raised in my article as well as the readings from this week bring up the question on whether food is art or not, and how it is seen as art. Food as art can be viewed in so many different ways from the beauty of its colors and shape, to the beauty of the mixture of flavors and textures. People always question if food is seen as art, yet many artists have included cooking into their practices and incorporate it into their work. Although they believe that cooking is an addition to their work, it’s hard to determine whether a meal for hunger is considered creative enough to share and move people. An experiment that was explained in this article was an example from Fallen Fruit Collective where they collaborated with different people to try and create flavored jellies. This was done as a social experiment for who know which flavor of jelly would taste the best.  This experiment was done without working with recipes and people came together and combined different flavors to make a new jelly. But is this really art? Because another question is which comes first, does food come before the art or is the art more prevalent then the food.

The issue of what comes first is an important thing to discuss because whether art comes first or food can skew what the final product is really viewed as. When human beings are hungry, we enjoy making a meal and feeding our hunger. Yet, how can we call an act for human survival art if it’s a common act that every single person does. The definition of art is “the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power”. This definition came straight from Google, and if you skew it around it does define what food and cooking produces. When a chef goes into cooking a meal, he uses his creative skill and imagination to make something that is going to be delicious for his “viewer”. If the chef were to cook bland or simple meals, then it would not be considered art for his expression of the food didn’t show creativity and imagination. Although I say that art can anything and everything, it really takes a certain skill to produce something beautiful and worth sharing with the world. The importance and reasoning behind art is to move you emotionally or create a feeling that expresses how the painting changes you. Personally, I love food and love the way it changes my perspective on life. As I continue to grow and cook food, I now understand my own interpretation of food as art and I am excited to incorporate it into my cooking.


Strycker Jacquelyn, (2013 January). From Palate to Palette: Can Food be Art? http://createquity.com/2013/01/from-palate-to-palette-can-food-be-art.html

Category:  Assignments     

Unit 4 – Food

This week’s section is by far my favorite to discuss because I am a huge foodie. I 100% view food as an art. There are thousands of different things you can prepare with all kinds of foods. It’s the mixture of flavors from savory to sweet as well as the presentation. When watching the fast food presentation, it is difficult to look at that type of food as an art seeing how its chemicals and unhealthy ingredients that go into it to chemically make it taste good although in my opinion that can be see as art. Incorporating other ingredients into a specific dish to make it taste or look better is an example of art. But, the art presented in the fast food industries is a completely different type of art that is in the slow food video. “Thinkers turned their attention to was a subject came to be called aesthetics — a concern with elucidating principles such as taste and beauty that govern all the arts and indeed make them not simply paintings or statues but example of (fine) ‘art’” (p.17). This quote best describes my feeling of how food is art because it is the creation of something beautiful that makes you feel different. Yes, it may not be a picture or painting that you put up and look at everyday, yet it is a different genre of art that makes you create tastes rather then looks. What I think of when the question of if food were art, would be the reading from last week when Dissanayake stated that art is not universal. This explains my theory for food being. Art isn’t just limited to a couple things, yet art can be everywhere and everything from food to painting, to music etc. It is important to view many different aspects of life as art in order to have different perspectives on what art is and really means.


Category:  Unit 4     

Unit – 3: What is Art for?


1.) The term “Paleoanthropsychobiological” may be tough to pronounce, yet it is an important term that was created by Ellen Dissanayake. When you look closely at the word, you can see more comfortable words within its context; paleo, anthro, psycho, and lastly biological. This term is more of an interpretation type term, yet she believes that art is formed through all of human history, human societies, and that art has an emotional affect. All of these come together to form this term.


2.) the other brings up the phrase “making special” by talking about art in its earliest forms. It really moved me when I read this quote, “The crucial factor for claiming the beginning of a behavior of art I believe, would have been the ability not just to recognize that something is special, but deliberately to set out to make something special.”(p.22). Art takes many forms, and it is impossible to believe that each piece of art is special in its own right. One most really digs deep into the meaning of the piece and then take it’s meaning from it.


3.) To name three different theories by the author, I would like to talk about a species-centered view, Modernism and a god centered view.  First off a species-centered view is seen through our own personal experience and surroundings of people. It is something seen through the human eye and depicted as human behavior.

Modernism is presented through cultural and social trends that have come over time. As our world has progressed into the technological, economic powerhouse that it is, we have gotten a better understanding of how art should be interpreted.

Lastly, a god-centered view was more directly in the past in medieval times. It not longer followed the importance of beautiful piece rather had more religious influence. Art was viewed as a creation from above.

Category:  Unit 3     

Unit – 3

In the reading for this week, the main focus of his passage would be the different perspectives of art that has come from generation to generation. As we move into modern society, it is seen that art is interpreted in a different way then before. To each person, art may have its own meaning; yet an important issue that is discussed is the question of “What is Art”.  In order to understand and capture what art is, you must be a particular type of person. He says, “there is a special frame of mind for appreciating works of art—a disinterested attitude that is separate from ones own personal interest in the object, its utility, or its social or religious ramifications” (pg. 3). An appreciation for art is very significant due to its strong will to increase creativity and passion within the mind. As we veer towards our modernity, people are beginning to understand and respect the form that art has taken. I then ask myself questions as to what it would be like if there weren’t such a thing called art? Or what if Art was a completely different form of action.

The video that we watched for this weeks assignment was very interesting and made me actually they what I consider Beauty. In this TED talk, the man discusses all the different forms of beauty that us humans classify. There isn’t one specific thing that is beautiful; rather we find humans, human’s actions, entertainment, and personal skills beautiful. Beauty to me is in the eye of the beholder because what one my think is beautiful, the other does not. This came from Darwinian theory of beauty. Human beings are able to do so much; therefore when something is done well and up to status, we humans see it as beautiful.

Category:  Unit 3     

Value Assessment – Unit 2

When I am in school, taking classes, most of my days ends up being fairly similar. I wake up in the mornings around 8:30 drink a cup of coffee, shower, get dressed and start my day. I then make food for breakfast, take a nice morning walk and go to class. After class I will then go to the gym, do some reading, and hang out with my friends before I make dinner. This seems like a fairly normal day, filled with my own value perspective of each situation. I did step 1 on the website and would rank my top 5 values to be family, friendship, leadership, enjoyment, and wisdom. I think all of these values have to do with my everyday activities. Going to school is a big aspect of knowledge and is what will make my wisdom continue to grow. Other parts of my day that has to do with values would be cooking food for I am a major foodie, therefore when I get to make myself a meal, it brings my enjoyment.

As for Family and Friendship, as important as they are in my values, my everyday life doesn’t evolve around them. Although I am always thinking of my family and hanging out with my friends, my personal mind values would exclude the two. Yet, my family and friends are the ones who have helped me form my values. I have taken so much from my family, for they have taught my kindness, passion, motivation, care, etc. Also my friendships have made me grow more into a person and have helped me understand how my relationships should be dealt with. I am constantly trying to improve my values and become a better person; therefore everyday is a learning process that I am still trying to pursue.

Category:  Unit 2     

Unit 2 – Values


Having personal values is a very important aspect of and individual’s personality and the way the veer through life. As we grow up and become adults, our minds continue to grow, and we start to form our own values that represent who we are as a person and where we came from. “there is a good deal of evidence that human beings are not primarily driven by genetically determined instincts but are rather free to make their own choices” (pg. 7). When we develop our values, we are free to view the world and society how ever we please. Our perspectives constantly change as wells as the values on which we stand for. My own personal values are very important for my life, as they keep me…Me. I grew up Jewish, therefore I see my values as Jewish values. I try to always be as kind as possible, I love spending time with my family and friends, I am motivated and determined to succeeding at whatever it is I do, as well as always want to be the best person I can possibly be. Without growing up on these values, I am not sure who I would be today. Lewis agrees by saying, “Personal values matter a great deal. Without them, we cannot live at all, for they are just as essential as air, food and water, and protection from the elements. Without clearly focused values, it is probably impossible to lead a purposeful and satisfying life” (pg. 18). Without a direction or purpose for life, there is no point in living; therefore as we continue to grow our values and morals, we continue growing as a species on this earth.

In discussing what Lewis believes in influencing our value system, I would have to think differently. Lewis believes that our value system can be influence in 6 ways, yet I believe it is in everyone’s own interest to achieve a goal of increasing and individuals value system. Each person must understand the importance of personal values and use that to increase life value. This will help our world grow into a more knowledgeable, healthy place.


Category:  Unit 2     

Unit 1 – Post 1

Check out this post http://technorati.com/iab-4as-ana-announce-cross-industry-organization-to-fight-ad-fraud/


This post discusses the potential to adhere to the interactive marketing market in order to shut down any hints at fraud. Although it doesn’t specifically tell us what the solution is towards stopping fraudulent advertisement acts, yet a powerhouse formation would allow for a strong hold on whatever the plan may be. The ANA, 4As and IAB have worked together in the past and have been successful. I agree and believe that it is important to step up and figure out a solution towards fraudulent acts. It must be seen that our society will go to any measure to protect the integrity of our society.

Category:  Unit 1     

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Category:  Assignments ,Unit 1     

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