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Archive for November, 2014

Unit 9 – Collage – Remix

• November 30, 2014

Unit 9 – Remix

• November 27, 2014

Its difficult to say if digital technology is a positive or negative things due to the amount of power and influence it can have on our world. The Ted talk this week discussed the idea of remixing and recreating using digital technology. With this, we are able to change the way we speak, and the […]

Technology Reflection – Unit 8

• November 23, 2014

Technology has come a lot way in the past couple decades, and it is seen to be improving society in different ways. As the reading indicates, cultural patters are a huge part of technology in our world. It continues to change and improve as time goes on. It really focuses on how these patterns and […]

Unit 8 – TED Talk

• November 20, 2014

I really enjoyed listing to the TED talk this week. It is very interesting to hear Jane McGonigal’s view on how gaming is extremely effective on huge world issue for instance hunger. She claims that problem solvers should create the feeling that gamers do when playing a game. At first, listening to her speech I […]

Spirituality, Creativity, Reflection

• November 16, 2014

  Spirituality has a lot of factors that go into it. Spirituality is something that can only be done individually. It is really hard to determine what spirituality is for and what it means, that is why each person has a different meaning as to what it is. Many perspectives are heard, yet I believe […]

Unit 7 – Discussion

• November 13, 2014

It is very difficult to really focus on the specific aspects that come in contemporary art. In the article by Grey, Ernest W. Watson quotes “There is a vast difference between looking and seeing, a difference which is fundamental to the artists experience”. This is a great quote, and I feel as though it goes […]

Why Horror?

• November 10, 2014

  For these weeks topic, we are discussing the implications of horror and how it relates to art. For my first article I decided to go with one that is titled “ Why do Some Brains Enjoy Fear?” I felt as thought the title of this article really represented our topic for the week and […]

Buffy Horror-Unit 6

• November 6, 2014

While watching this show, I chose the first scene when the characters aren’t able to talk. The blonde girl wakes out of her bed and starts to brush her teeth. As she is walking back to her room she sees a girl running in the hall crying. She then returns to her dorm, where her […]

Personal Reflection

• November 2, 2014

The way we dress and represent ourselves is a clear factor of who we are and what are values and beliefs may be. I never really thought about the way I dress and how it reflects my values and beliefs. I always thought that I choose my clothes based on how it looks on me […]

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