Post Beijing Residency Assignment
The post-residency online portion of this field school begins on August 1 and concludes on August 15. For this portion of the field school, participants, working in teams, will be responsible for (at minimum):
* 2 postings for VineOnline – (one associated with each of the two fieldwork sites).
Each post will include:
* interpretive text (formatted according to VineOnline standards; 750-1000wds)
* image gallery (7-10) AND/OR edited video (>5min) depicting one of the following:
– work/context of an artist interviewed (INDIVIDUAL FOCUS)
– work/context for an discrete aspect of cultural/artistic production (HERITAGE FOCUS)
– work/context for a geographic area/setting (PLACE FOCUS)
Your interpretation of your field work in China should be informed by the readings and assignments that were required during the pre-residency portion of the field school.
In support of your posts on VineOnline, each team will create postings on the social media cites connected to ChinaVine (English & Chinese language) that points to their VineOnline content. This can include a tweet using the fieldschool hashtag – #CVFS, a Facebook post on ChinaVine wall, etc.
Each team should post drafts of their planned posts to the field school website for comments by Doug/John and field school participants by August 7. It will be important have some idea of where the video/photo editing proces and text creation stands at that time.
All final postsĀ should be completed by the last Friday of the postresidency period (i.e. Aug 12, so that John/Doug can respond)
what are the important points to become a content creator?