Ni hao (hello in Mandarin)
Welcome to the two week online orientation to Public Culture and Heritage: A Beijing Field School.
Please contribute freely to the blog stream as well as watch the blog stream for field school updates.
Since last communicating with you we have decided that the first week of the field school will focus on Jinguo Village rather than Gaobedian. Jianguo Village will provide us with greater access to its residents and local culture. The village is located in west Beijing, near Miaofeng Mountain. The area is known as a pilgrimage site with interesting hikes to temples. The village is also known for its roses. What we think is most appealing is that it is not as well developed as a “tourist” site as Gaobedian.
One of the things we need you to do is to download and sign the required FERPA form. Please scan and send to us at or or give it to us in China. A link to this form has been posted in the field school blog stream.
Please also link up with ChinaVine’s various social media connections. Let your family and friends know that the hashtag for the field school is #CVFS
Shortly John will be posting information on the first assignment.
Do not hesitate to contact us if you are having difficulty accessing the course site and/or have general questions about the field school and/or specific questions about assignments. We are here to assist.
Doug ( and John (