
Artifact 7 – Technology

Unit Objectives:

  • Learn about the history of computer graphics
  • Examine the role of technology as a force for cultural maintenance and change
  • Discuss the validity of art created with the aid of machines

Artifact: Unit 08 Technology Research

Correctly identify the primary thesis of “Computer Graphics: Effects of Origins”

I think the thesis of the article “Computer Graphics: Effects of Origins” is that the technology has affected the development of art significantly in the history. In this article, Jones introduces the history of computer graphics and how it influences the forms of art. As she argues, “new forms of art and technology are frequently cast in the mode of old forms, just as other aspects of material and symbolic culture have been”, so she want to “establish the relation of specific image, object event, or environment to conceptual frames. These frames exist within art and technology and are present in other forms of symbolic and material culture” (Jones, 21).

Identify one of the three historical examples Jones provides as an illustration of her thesis.

In this article, Jones introduces three historical examples, I want to identify the example of “electronic and photonic art forms”. As she introduces, “Electronic and photonic art forms have been and will continue to be influenced by their origins and practices” (Jones, 21). This example shows how technology generated a new kind of art form which is electronic and photonic art form.

Provide a compelling and accurate illustration of Jones’ thesis at work in today’s culture.

In today’s culture, I think the best illustration of Jones’s thesis is the movies industry. In addition to business, movie also is a kind of art form. Movie has be changed a lot by the development of technology. I found the article “9 tech innovations that changed the film industry (through the ages)” that introduces how 9 technical innovations change the development of movies. As the author Ronan Steyn introduces, “One industry that has been expansively affected by technological changes is film. Both mechanical and digital innovations have influenced everything from equipment to distribution, changing how films are made and the manner in which we consume them” (Steyn, 2013). Indeed, there are many films that be created based on the technology of computer graphics, like Avatar and The Avengers. Therefore, I believe that movie is the best illustration of Jones’ thesis.


In this assignment, the course reading introduced the history of computer graphics and technology’s influence on art development. In the article “Computer Graphics: Effects of Origins” by Beverly Jones, the author states, “Electronic and photonic art forms have been and will continue to be influenced by their origins and practices” (21). The movie industry shows a great example on Jones’s thesis.

Technology has been widely used in our daily lives. Also, it influence many things such as movie and art. Advanced technology can make art better, and help artist achieve their ideal art works. Better art also provide people a better visual experience on movies and other things. Therefore, technology is a thing that helps the development of art and the development of people’s lives. The followed video is a trailer of Pacific Rim which was an excellent blockbuster in 2013. When I watched this movie, I was shocked by its application of the technology of computer graphics. Its really amazing. This movie shows how the computer graphics could help to develop the art of movie.

Future Intentions:

In the future, technology will be more and more advanced, and our lives will be more and more convenient. I hope technology keep developing and I hope one day art can also be developed to a very high level.

Works Cited:

Jones, B. J. (1990). Computer Graphics: Effects of Origins. LEONARDO: Digital Image – Digital Cinema Supplemental Issue, pp. 21-30.

Steyn, R. (2013, February 21). 9 tech innovations that changed the film industry (through the ages) | memeburn. Retrieved March 2, 2015, from http://memeburn.com/2013/02/9-tech-innovations-that-changed-the-film-industry-through-the-ages/


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Artifact 1 – Values

Artifact 2 – What is Art?

Artifact 3 – Food

Artifact 4 – Adornment

Artifact 5 – Horror

Artifact 6 – Creative Spirituality

Artifact 7 – Technology

Artifact 8 – Remix

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