
Artifact 6 – Creative Spirituality

Unit Objectives:

  • Become familiar with was in which spirituality influences artists
  • Discuss the differences between spirituality and religion
  • Examine spirituality as a generative force and a well spring for creativity

Artifact: Unit 07 Creative Spirituality Reflection

1 How do you define “Spirituality”?

Spirituality is opposite to mechanical things. Mechanics is that doing things by following certain rules and steps. However, the nature of spirituality is freedom, the inner freedom. This freedom first should have space, unlimited space brings more activity, and more activities mean more possibility. The biggest feature of spirituality is to get rid of all authority and dogma. Because of the information in the world is gaining, you might also find that the things can influence you and controls you become more and more. The thing that can control you is actually the authority and thought. Once you accept any kind of thought, then your spirituality begins to lost, human brain started to become computer brain, only knows to follow rules.

2 Does spirituality differ from religion?

They seem similar but actually are different. Religion is the spiritual thing that people leave their hope with, it requires the understanding of god’s spirits. However, as I said above, the feature of spirituality is freedom, and get rid of all the rule and authority. Also, once people accept any thought, then their spirituality start to lose. Therefore, religious people already accept the rule, the thought and the authority of their religion, so religion is actually not spirituality.

3 How do you define “creativity”?

I think creativity is a kind of comprehensive skill that only human have. Creativity is the ability to come out with new ideas or invent new things. People who have high creativity always are intelligent and resourceful because creativity is a comprehensive skill, it consist of knowledge, intelligence and capability. It is a process of a series complex mental activity, and it is the required psychological capacity to successfully finish some sort of creative activity.

4 What is the source of creativity?

The source of creativity is knowledge, capacity and intelligence. No new thing can be invented without knowledge. Absorb knowledge, understand it, solidify it, practice and experience it is good for bring out more good and creative idea. Intelligence and capability is also very important source of creativity because creativity requires acute observation, high concentrated mind, effective memory and flexible operating ability. As a consequence, creativity cannot be achieved without knowledge, capacity and intelligence.


Spirituality is a free mind that need to get rid of any kind of limitation. Also, it has no relation with religion. In addition, creativity also is the ability that requires free mind to create new things. The difference between spirituality and creativity is that spirituality is the thing we are born with, but creativity is the thing that comes from curiosity, and it is the thing we could learn and develop later.

I think people who have higher spirituality can understand everything better because it is a spirit that lives in people’s inner world. It is a deep connection with our natural world. In addition, creativity also is important for people. It can help people come out with new ideas and invent new things. However, I have watched a video talked about how school kills creativity and I have attached that under this reflection. It said that schools are killing creativity because it requires students follow certain rules. I also believe in this way, and I think schools should not continue in this way.

Future Intentions:

Creativity is a very important value for our human, losing it is like losing the possibility of development. Therefore, I hope schools can focus more on developing student’s creativity.


Works Cited:

Grey, A. (2001). Art as Spiritual Practice. The Mission of Art (1st ed., pp. 205-233). Boston & London: Shambhala.


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Artifact 1 – Values

Artifact 2 – What is Art?

Artifact 3 – Food

Artifact 4 – Adornment

Artifact 5 – Horror

Artifact 6 – Creative Spirituality

Artifact 7 – Technology

Artifact 8 – Remix

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