Unit 02 Life Values Assessment

My ordered list: 1. Family 2. Friendship 3. Health 4. Enjoyment 5. Security 6. Wisdom 7. Wealth 8. Personal development 9. Location 10. Community 11. Personal accomplishment 12. Creativity 13. Leadership 14. Prestige 15. Power 16. Integrity 17. Independence 18. Expertness 19. Loyalty 20. Service The five top values that I chose are family, friendship, […]

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Unit 02 Value Discussion

I am interested in the six most basic ways we come to know something. It includes four basic interior mental modes, which are sense experience, deductive logic, emotion, and intuition. In addition to these four basic interior mental modes, there are two major synthetic mental modes which are authority and “science”. I agree with Lewis […]

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