Unit 05 Adornment Discussion

I sat in the first floor of library to observe people. The first person that I observed is a man who is sitting in front of computer. He wears a simple black boat with black sport pants. His shoes is a pair of leisure shoes. He wear glasses and there is nothing more adornment on his body. In addition, his hair style is just common without any modification. Through his appearance, I believe that the appearance of man is not important in his values because his dress is too casual without any intentional adornment. I guess he is Chinese and about 25 years old. Also, I guess he study hard and does have girlfriend. These assumptions just base on my values and beliefs. I always think the person who wear glasses and do not pay attention to appearance is like to study hard. Meanwhile, I think the too casual dress of a man could not attract female’s attention.

The second person that I observed is a man who is sitting next to me. He wears a bright black leather jacket with black skinny casual pants. His high shoes also are black and bright. His hair style is obviously dressed up elaborately with hair spray. I notice that he wearing a ring in his left-middle finger and he has a piercing for his left ear. Through his bright appearance, I believe that the handsome appearance is important to him in his values and I think he is very confident. I guess he is Chinese and about 23 years old. I believe that he is not single but has a girlfriend. In addition, I guess his performance on studying is bad. These assumptions just base on my values and beliefs. In my values, I think a person who pay much attention on appearance often will not like to study hard. Meanwhile, I think the man who wear bright clothes always want to attract other’s attention especially attract females’ attention.

The third person that I observed is a man who is calculating something for his assignment. He wears sport wear but with jeans. His shoes is a pair of red soccer shoes. He has a cap that labeling “BULLS” and I think it should represents the NBA team Chicago Bulls. On the whole, I believe that he is a sport fan both of basketball and soccer. I guess he is Arab American because his face looks like Arabian but he likes basketball. I know most of Arabian like soccer and do not interested in basketball so I guess he is Arab American and he was influenced by both of American and Arabian culture. I guess he is healthy because I always believe that a person who like to wear sport wear usually like to do sports to keep healthy. Especially, I know the soccer shoes is not comfortable for daily use so I guess this guy just have played soccer today or he plan to play soccer after finished his homework.

2 Comments on “Unit 05 Adornment Discussion”

  1. Hi Beichen, I feel interesting in the last person who you described. In your writing you claim that the person who likes to wear sport usually like to do sports to keep health. However, the fact is not all the people who likes to wear sport usually do sport. People like to wear sport only because those shirts are more comfortable. I like to wear those sport shirts too but actually i do not like to go to the recreation center to do any sport unless some of my friends invite me

  2. Hey Beichen, I enjoyed reading your observations as they seemed pretty general descriptions of the people, contrary to generalizing people on their race. The appearance of the people fit merely well with your descriptions of what their values may be. The only thing I would argue to your post would be the assumption of peoples ethnicity’s. For example, as you observed someone that may be “Chinese”, they could be from a different asian decent or merely just an American that has roots that go back to asian country.

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