
Artifact 8 – Remix

Unit Objectives:

  • Become acquainted with copyright as a historic, cultural and economic paradigm and its value and pertinence to creative works.
  • Explore the changing nature of copyright in the context of “Remix Culture” and the “Fifth World”
  • Examine their own and others values and paradigms of ownership and authorship of cultural media.
  • Evaluate the meanings of real and fake and examine their intersection with personal and cultural identity and authenticity

Artifact: Unit 09 Remix Discussion

I am really interested in the TED’s presentation by Larry Lessig. Lessig mainly argues that the massive laws could restrict people’s expression of creativity. Lessig introduces three historical examples to support his argument, which respectively are the talking machine, celestial copyrights, and the ASCAP cartel. For his argument, I think he is right to a certain extent. I also feel that sometimes the too much limits of laws could restraint people’s creativity. For instance, someone want to change an existing song and to create a new song but maybe he would violate the copyright of the original author unwittingly. Therefore, he have to stop his creation. However, although the laws could limit the creativity, we still cannot live without laws. If our society do not have the laws of copyrights, how can we protect the copyright of creators?  If anyone could use the original artworks that created by others without any limitation, the original creators could feel disappointed and they would not have enough motivation to continue creating artworks. I think the copyright regulations should remain unchanged in the developed countries because their laws of copyrights are enough to protect original creators. In contrast, I think the copyright regulations should be strengthened in the developing countries, like China because the benefits of original creators in these countries do not have enough protection.


Laws of copyright protects creator’s content do not misuse by others. However, in Larry Lessig’s TED talk, he claimed that because of the copyright restrictions, many people could not express their ideas and creativity ideally. Therefore, he said that we need changes about copyright, “artists and creators embrace the idea, choose that their work be made available more freely” (Lessig, 2008). He is right, I think especially developing countries need to release more free content for people to express their creativity. Also, mew creative idea will help the country’s development.

In today’s society, we are involving copyright issues every day. For example, when I write essays and using other’s opinions, I have to cite the source to give the creator credits. If I don’t or I forgot to do that, then people will think I am cheating. Therefore, copyright is a really important thing for us to be aware of.

Future Intentions:

I hope there will be more free content for people to finish their idea ideally, and I also wish the more free content can also help developing countries society.

Works Cited:

Lessig, L. (2008). Comparing Cultures. Remix: Making Art and Commerce Thrive in the Hybrid Economy (pp. 84-116). New York: Penguin Press HC, The.


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Artifact 1 – Values

Artifact 2 – What is Art?

Artifact 3 – Food

Artifact 4 – Adornment

Artifact 5 – Horror

Artifact 6 – Creative Spirituality

Artifact 7 – Technology

Artifact 8 – Remix

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