Unit 10 Public Art

Public art obviously is the art that displays in public place, as Doss wrote in her article “Public Art Controversy: Cultural Expression and Civic Debate”, “And public art – Precisely because it’s public and because it’s art” (page 1). I have seen many public art in many places such as bus station, parks, knight library […]

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Unit 09 Remix Research

Imagination, passion, creativity, abstract, inspiration

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Unit 09 Remix Discussion

I am really interested in the TED’s presentation by Larry Lessig. Lessig mainly argues that the massive laws could restrict people’s expression of creativity. Lessig introduces three historical examples to support his argument, which respectively are the talking machine, celestial copyrights, and the ASCAP cartel. For his argument, I think he is right to a […]

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Unit 08 Technology Research

Correctly identify the primary thesis of “Computer Graphics: Effects of Origins” I think the thesis of the article “Computer Graphics: Effects of Origins” is that the technology has affected the development of art significantly in the history. In this article, Jones introduces the history of computer graphics and how it influences the forms of art. […]

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