Unit 06 Enjoying Horror Discussion

The example of non-diegetic sound that I choose happened in 1: 46. The mood is peaceful and romantic when the guy is kissing Buffy. However, the sound of wind coming from outside of the screen with the darken light. The non-diegetic sound is the Sound whose source is neither visible on the screen nor has been implied to be present in the action so the sound of wind definitely belongs to non-diegetic sound. I think this example contribute to the aesthetic of horror for the video because the sound make me feel strange and imply there will be some scare things happen.

The example of diegetic sound that I choose happened in 19:55. After a guy turn on TV and the reporter’s sound appears. It is an example of diegetic sound because we can see its source is the TV that we can see on the screen. This sound described the situation in the town and enhance the mood of horror because the news did not tell us why people cannot talk but just tell us the people who live in the town cannot go out of the town. So I think it contributes to the aesthetic of horror for the video.

The example of mise-en-scene that I choose happened in 22:34. The camera positioned the big bell from bottom angle of view and the frames gradually moved. According to the introduction of mise-en-scene in this unit, the mise-en-scene refers to the camera position and frame movements so this example definitely belongs to mise-en-scene. I think this example contributes to the aesthetic of horror for the video because it shows a strange and horrific mood to audience and imply that there is something will happen.

One Comment on “Unit 06 Enjoying Horror Discussion”

  1. Beichen,

    I like the examples you used in your blog. For each example, you explained why that scene contributed to the overall horror of the TV show. However I am curious why you think people are drawn to watching scary things? Carroll touches on this topic when she writes, “horror is driven explicitly by curiosity. It engages its audience by being involved in processes of disclosure, discovery, proof, explanation, hypothesis, and confirmation” (Carroll 279). Do you agree with this statement or do you think there is a different reason people are drawn to scary things?

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