Unit 03 What Is Art For? Essay Assignment

1. Dissanayake coined the term “paleoanthropsychobiological”. I found that this term includes three parts, which are paleo, anthro, and psychobiological. According to Dissanayake’s explanation, these three parts respectively reflect human history, human society, and human psychology. As he explained, “First, that the idea of art encompassed all of human history (i.e., as far back as the Palacolithic or even earlier); second, that it include all human societies (i.e., is anthropological or cross-cultural); and third, that it account for the fact that art is a psychological or emotional need and has psychological or emotional effects” (Dissanayake, 15).

2. The phrase “making special” means “particularly things that one cares deeply about or activities whose outcome has strong personal significance” (Dissanayake, 22). Dissanayake thinks the art is the process of ‘making special’ and art is an importance trait that human beings make ourselves different with other species. In addition, ‘making special’ is an important feature for human survival. We do everything is want to be special. For instance, we do not want to wear same clothes with others because we want to be special.

3. The first theory that I want to identify is the god-centered art. This theory developed in medieval times. During medieval time, “the arts were in the service of religion, as they have always been, but were not regarded ‘aesthetically’” (Dissanayake, 16). The artworks always reflect the gods in religion. The second theory is modernism which was develop in 19th century. In modernism, “there is a special frame of mind of appreciating works of art-a ‘disinterested’ attitude that is separate from one’s own personal interest in the object, its utility, or its social or religious ramifications”, more specific, “’Disinterest’ implied that views could appreciate any art, even the artwork of eras or cultures far removed from their own, whether or not they understood the meaning the works had for the people who made and used them” (Dissanayake, 17-18). The third theory is postmodernism which was developed in 20th century after the modernism. The postmodernisn is “a point of view that calls into question two centuries of assumptions about the elite and special nature of art” (Dissanayake, 19).

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