Unit 02 Life Values Assessment

My ordered list: 1. Family 2. Friendship 3. Health 4. Enjoyment 5. Security 6. Wisdom 7. Wealth 8. Personal development 9. Location 10. Community 11. Personal accomplishment 12. Creativity 13. Leadership 14. Prestige 15. Power 16. Integrity 17. Independence 18. Expertness 19. Loyalty 20. Service

The five top values that I chose are family, friendship, health, enjoyment, and security. I believe that family is the most significant value for me because family can make me feel warm and safe. I usually chat with my parents through QQ (a Chinese chat tool like Skype) when I studying in the America because I do not want them to worry me. Except the family members can give the warm feeling, my friends also can support me when I get into trouble. I enjoy studying and playing with friends every day. We study together in the school and have a party on the weekends. I also really pay much attention on the health because the healthy body is the premise to do anything. Therefore, I try to avoid eating junk food and exercise in gym twice per week. The enjoyment of life is very important to me because I think the life should be happy otherwise it is boring and meaningless. I would do many kinds of entertainments to achieve the enjoyment, like partying, playing basketball, or traveling. The security is related to the enjoyment because only after fulfill the basic life needs I can try to pursue the enjoyment. I am studying hard in the university and this for getting a stable job in the future to have a stable income.

My family transfer two major beliefs to me. Firstly, my parents teach me how importance of a complete family. They always educate me that the family members are the only people who will support me and do not expect any return, especially for parents. This belief deeply influence my value of family and I believe this belief will not change in my whole life. Another belief is that if you want to be a successful person you must study hard and have great scores in the school. I think this belief is no longer valid because I think the good transcript is not a necessary condition to success. Many successful people have bad scores in the school. The goal that I have yet to pursue is having enough ability to get a good job. The difficult courses of my major CIS are standing in the way of my acting to the goal. I feel the courses of CIS are very hard especially I study it in my second langue.

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