Portfolio Page 5 – Horror

June 1st, 2014

Topic: Horror



  • Explore the psychological and emotional curiosity for and impact of horror art on individuals and society

  • Analyze the unique aesthetic qualities of horror art.

  • Understand and utilize some basic principles of film and television analysis.



The digetic sound example appears in the clip Buffy in the beginning. In the scene where Buffy is in the classroom there is a dialog between teacher and Buffy, as well as dialog between Buffy and a guy who kisses her. This would be a characteristic called voices of characters where characters talk to each other. Also, there is a music coming from instruments. In the same scene there are some noises that sound like instrument, I think it is a violin. These two examples represent the term digetic sound  because the voices are actual and real. Everyone can hear them. Especially, the sound from the instrument is very real and emphasizes the aesthetic of horror. It gives goosebumps and puts a watcher into a mood of horror.

The example of non-diegetic sound appears in the middle of the clip when people are walking around the town and are not able to speak. There is a music in background – the sound that cannot be seen. Also, there is a car standing in the middle of the street and water that is coming out of the hydrant. All of  sounds are invisible and they contribute to the clip because they change a mood of the audience. Also, the audience does not know what is going to happen next; if it is going to be something scary or if something funny will happen.

A very good mise en scene example would be a scene when people (vampires) are leaving the house while flying. Their feet do not touch the ground and they are in a vertical position. In the background there is a building with a very big clock. I chose that scene because I think a set up was very creative and I am sure that it was not easy for a camera guy to capture so many people at once. This scene definitely contribute to the aesthetic of horror because  it shows that even horror can have aspects of arts.



I have to admit that I like horror movies a lot. So when I found out that the assignment for this class was about horror movies I was very excited. I think that is hard to create a very good horror movie because creators of those movies have to make sure that audience will get scared unexpectedly while watching a horror movie.  Also, to be able to create a mood that will allow audience to believe in what they see.


This specific assignment made be to learn the terms about movies that I did not know before and which will help me to determine sounds and camera positions of horror movies. These terms can be very useful for for analyzing different types of movies but especially horror movies.




I really hope that people will start appreciate horror movies a little more. Most of my friends does not like horror movies and they say that a reason for that is that they are afraid. I hope that future horror movie will become more entertaining and people will want to watch them more. I still will watch horror movies because I think they are a piece of art.

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