
May 27, 2014

This week’s reading focuses on credibility of the internet. There are pro and cons that can be find in the article about the internet and its use. There is some criticism that appears in the article about the internet, more specifically, the use of youtube, facebook and etc. However, the author gives an example of […]

Technology Research

May 25, 2014

Jones in her article, “Computer Graphic: Effects of Origins” talks about technology, more specifically about computer graphics. She talks about the progress that has been made in technology during the past couple of years. Moreover, she states that the changes that happened within the technology do not come only from new technology ideas but also […]


May 21, 2014

Jones in this week’s article talks about how computer graphics have changed over the years and how it developed. Games, for example include characters that are very real, sometimes they represent famous people from real life:”Computer generated characters, sets and environments for television and the motion picture industry are being explored” (Jones, 56). My boyfriend […]

Creative Spirituality

May 18, 2014


May 14, 2014

“Let us recall Saint Bonaveture’s three eyes of knowing: the eye of flesh sees the “outer” realm of material objects; the eye of reason sees symbolically, drawing distinction and making conceptual relationships; and the mystic eye of contemplation sees the luminous transcendental realms. Artists need to be able to see on each level in order […]

Enjoying Horror

May 7, 2014

The digetic sound example appears in the clip Buffy in the beginning. In the scene where Buffy is in the classroom there is a dialog between teacher and Buffy, as well as dialog between Buffy and a guy who kisses her. This would be a characteristic called voices of characters where characters talk to each […]

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