Exhibit Summary

This blog full of pictures that I have taken, portraits how my Thanksgiving was with my family. On my mom’s side, we had traditions and used Thanksgiving as a way to say how grateful we are for one and another. When I was with my dad, Thanksgiving was used more as an excuse for friends and family to come over to our house and watch football. This site isn’t to show how Thanksgiving is supposed to be celebrated, it’s just to share how my families do Thanksgiving. In fact, there’s no right or wrong way for any holiday. Every family has their own way of doing things because every family has different values. It’s like each family has their own culture, and this is my way of showing you, how my families culture is unique.

I interviewed my biological dad and my mom individually. I asked them both the same question.     “why do you celebrate Thanksgiving the way you do, and can you go in detail on why so?” they both,  in their own way of words, said that it’s how their parents use to do holidays, it was all about family time. “It brought family near, and friends closer.” – mom

So I think Thanksgiving is teaching us about the relationship between American culture and kinship. I agree with what my biological parents had to say, Thanksgiving traditions are passed down, but the main reason why any holiday is celebrated is to have an excuse to see your loved ones, who you may or may not get to see as often anymore. Or even just simply have an excuse to tell them how much they mean to you.

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