This is the blog for PSY607: Bayesian Modeling in R, a reading group at the University of Oregon. We’ll use this site to communicate about the club, post links to resources, send out readings, etc. so please be sure to subscribe if you haven’t already (click “Follow” at the bottom of the page).
Getting started: We’ve been using R and JAGS to run our models. Check out the posts on software installation and use.
Bayes Club is a student-led workshop on Bayesian inference with an emphasis on hands-on application (building, running, and interpreting Bayesian models using R and JAGS). We will also read and discuss articles and chapters on Bayesian theory to build conceptual understanding.
Each meeting will be a mixture of lecture/discussion (sometimes on assigned reading) and hands-on practice. The goal is to provide an overview of what Bayesian inference is and how we can use it as researchers, and to practice relevant skills such as building Bayesian models, reading Bayesian models as they are presented in articles, and interpreting output. Students are encouraged to bring in articles of interest to them that feature Bayesian analyses for discussion in the group. No experience with Bayesian methods or JAGS is required, but students should have some experience with R (or be willing to learn real fast). Students desiring additional practice with R may want to attend R Club, as well. It meets at the same time and place as Bayes Club, on alternate weeks.
You are welcome to attend Bayes Club whether or not you also register officially to take it as a one-credit seminar. If you do register for credit, you need to do two thing to pass:
1) You have to attend the Bayes Club meetings, and remember to sign in on the attendance sheet.
2) You need to send a short write-up of what you learned this term to Sanjay Srivastava (sanjay@uoregon.edu) by the end of finals week.
If you would like to be added as an author on the site, please email Rose (rosem@uoregon.edu) or Jacob (jleverni@uoregon.edu). News is posted under the Announcements and Resources category. Discussion on readings and code samples can be started with a post to the Discussions category (with comments being made to individual posts). Code samples that are enclosed as follows will display properly: <code>Sample here</code>