08B Final Review Comments

08B Final Review Comments

As a group: We intend on revising our detailed designs so we can make a visual representation of how our data is impacting our design…

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08B Final Review Comments

08B Final Review Comments

Group: Comments: – Weave the the concept of “care” as defined through from preliminary research to define intervention parameters. – Define the stance of the…

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08C Post all work to Mural Week 7 Final + Sticky with initials

08C Post all work to Mural Week 7 Final + Sticky with initials

Please post all your work to the Week 7 Mural on the Final boxes to the right. **Per instructions there, please place a magenta sticky…

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08B Final Review Comments

08B Final Review Comments

Individual Post per student List 3 comments from the reviewers that you aim to revise as a group. List 2-3 comments from the reviewers that…

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08A Design Intervention Description

08A Design Intervention Description

Design Intervention Description, Phenomena and data Please do the follow below in a WordPress Post category [08A  Design Description]. Read and use as one of…

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The point of these tools is to teach you the skills rather than achieve their specific outcome. Just a few of these can give you…

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