Welcome to the Banner 9 Migration Project Blog
The University of Oregon executed and completed a project to upgrade our Banner software from version 8 to version 9. The work was complete in early 2019.
This major upgrade — one of the biggest changes to Banner since the UO began using it in 1990 — involved a great deal of work by UO Information Services and our partners across campus.
We tracked the project’s progress in this blog, adding updates to the Project Updates section every month or so.
What is Banner?
Banner is the UO’s enterprise resource planning (ERP) system. Hundreds of UO employees use Banner on a daily basis to conduct routine business processes ranging from scheduling classes to issuing paychecks. Banner also provides access to related information for planning and decision-making purposes.
Why are we doing this upgrade?
Ellucian, the company behind Banner, is requiring all of its client institutions to upgrade to Banner 9. Completing this required upgrade is one of the UO’s IT Strategic Initiatives.
What is different about Banner 9?
Most of the differences between Banner 8 and Banner 9 are in the user interface and in the specific steps you take to complete a task. Banner 9 offers:
- A new look and feel
- New navigation tools
- Improved accessibility
- Compatibility with Chrome (and other browsers; Chrome is our recommendation)
- Login with Duck ID and password
Banner 9 also brings substantial back-end changes for the Banner developers in Information Services, including switching to a different programming language.
What is the timeline for completing this project?
In April 2017, Information Services launched this project to migrate from Banner 8 to Banner 9.
The overall plan is to upgrade various administrative processes in a bundled, phased approach. For example, all of the Banner 8 forms related to check processing will be migrated to Banner 9 at one time. This will constitute the bulk of the upgrade work. We expect to start on this in August 2017 and complete it sometime in 2018.
As we prepare to migrate each business process, we will provide more information to staff using that process and allow time for testing and training.
Who is involved in this project?
Information Services is coordinating with lead stakeholders from each of the following areas:
- Finance (Business Affairs)
- Accounts Receivable (Business Affairs)
- Human Resources
- Student (Enrollment Management)
- Registrar
- Admissions
- Financial Aid
Please see below for a list of these contacts.
Project Representatives
Executive Sponsor
- Noreen Hogan – Associate Chief Information Officer for Applications & Middleware, Information Services
Stakeholder Leads
- Mark McCulloch – Director, BAO Information Systems, Business Affairs Office (Finance & Accounts Receivable Modules)
- Shelby Cooper – Director, Payroll Services, Business Affairs Office (Payroll Module)
- Brian Lowery – Associate University Registrar (Student Module)
- Morgan Ramsey Daniel – Associate Director for Operations, Financial Aid (Financial Aid Module)
- Sonia Potter – Director, HR Operations, Human Resources (Human Resources Module)
- Kirk Koenig – Senior Associate Director for Operations, Admissions (Admissions Module)
Project Management
- Tony Saxman – Director of IT Programs & Projects, Information Services (Project Manager)
- Corrie Bozung – Director of Business Applications, Information Services (Banner Development Lead)
- Stephany Freeman – Director of Data Management, Information Services (Banner Technical Lead)