
Comparative Literature Blog

Distracting Schedule

Distractions come in many forms. For me, stress during a hectic week can distract me from getting things done. If I feel overwhelmed, instead of being productive I’ll start thinking about all the things I need to do. Eventually, I feel so stressed out that I can’t get anything done. My productivity turns into a distraction because all I can think about is how I wish I wasn’t doing my present task so I could be doing other things.

This week, my schedule was really busy. I had an oral exam and a written test for my Italian class two days apart. My philanthropy for my sorority was also 4 days of this week. With that, I had meetings, events, and practice that interrupted the flow of my day. Also, my dad is here to visit and I had to find time for him despite all my appointments and homework. While I sat in my classes, I listed off in my head every meeting, appointment and homework assignment I had to do. When I was at one of my meetings, all I though about was how I needed to get home and help with the philanthropy. At the philanthropy, I stressed out about the extra credit assignment I was given and when I would have time to leave to go as well as write the e-mail. During extra credit, I was concerned with the hair appointment I had the next day and when I would be able to see my dad.

My distraction is my busy schedule. It’s the fact that although I can multitask, my brain is never focused on one thing. I can’t handle having everything happening at once because I don’t know how to separate each activity from one another.


  1. I can totally relate to this when I have a lot to do. I usually will set out and plan everything that I have to do then I’ll try to think of ways that I can get the most done. However, when I do this, I end up wasting time rather than if I were to just sit down and get started with everything. I think we become so overwhelmed that our mind kind of wanders and looks for ways to cope with how much we know we have to do. It’s like we’re trying to be productive yet we’re wasting time by trying to do so.

  2. Gregory Bruce

    May 4, 2015 at 1:40 am

    I hate when this happens to me. It doesn’t allow you to be in the moment but to just keep worrying about what is next on your agenda. I feel like people need to go into things stress-free or understand that their time management skills will help them get all their tasks done. But I hate it when people just tell others to “manage their time better” or “chill out, it’s not the end of the world”, those definitely don’t help.

  3. I also have this problem. Sometimes I will feel the need to skip a class to do work or an assignment for another class but that isn’t helpful because I would just have to make up the work from the class I missed. I always find myself thinking of everything I have to do and I don’t really just sit back and try and absorb where I am in the moment. It’s hard though because there is so much going on and so many places to be, it’s hard to keep a balanced schedule.

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