Tagged: authenticity

Week 05: Heidegger

  1. I think that there is an ongoing relationship between users and places, especially buildings. Architects usually refer to rules and standards for their designs. That makes us think the origins of such codes. Well, the origin is clear: human needs and therefore behavior, human society and the variety of its interaction.

Churchill said “ we shape our buildings, and then they shape us”.  This means buildings are made to suit the users, who can also adapt to spaces even if they were not “designed”  specifically for him.

That being said, the custom made architecture is a way of tailoring spaces according to one’s needs and expectations. The client lifestyle, hobbies, social and marital status and of course profession dictate the shape of the dwelling. The architect is not merely a draughtsman, he himself uses his knowledge and feelings to design the place.


  1. Heidegger searches extensively in the meaning of dwelling: he defines peace, permanent residence, neighbors and shelters. He also mentions related activities. It is always useful to find the origin of the word, to capture that first direct impression of the act or the object, in that case dwellings.

As for architecture, authenticity is always considered a rare asset of places. The reproduction of the same monument or place, even with delicate details, doesn’t necessarily channel true meanings of the original masterpiece. Time also is an important factor when discussing authenticity. One major example is The Venice Charter for the Conservation and Restoration of Monuments and Sites which sets an international framework for professional standards of the preservation and restoration of ancient buildings. The destroyed Buddha temple in Jihan Abad will never be regained, even if a replica is put in its place.

In urbanism. Sprawls are an imitation of cities, an imitation that will never replace the authentic place.


3. The key word here is permanence. Nothing is permanent and Heidegger acknowledges it. But things can be sustainable and self-sustained.

I don’t think it is possible nowadays to design and build exactly the exact described by the writer. Although designing with keeping nature in mind (natural surrounding or even human made neighborhoods) is an important factor for good design.


Grace Aaraj