Kara Adams
Associate Adjunct Professor
Time: Tu 9:00-11:50am
This course encourages your investigation into the theory, writing and building by architects from earliest times to the 21st century. We will explore these environments to see how theories may influence the world in which we live. We will reflect on historical examples of building to emphasis the importance of spatial composition (sketching). The course is speculative as opposed to being purely descriptive and you are encouraged to take risks.
This seminar offers a forum for you to articulate your interest within the field of architecture and develop a directed program of study while attending the University of Oregon, Portland Architecture Program. The theme for this seminar is “The Human Face of Building”. Since the earliest record of building with specific intentions (i.e. a temple), what do we, as individuals and communities, contribute to the natural and built world?
The first half of the seminar we will review architectural examples, discuss readings, and do individual reading/research. The second half of the seminar will require that each student present a Case Study in the form of research. In this Case Study, each student will develop a hypothesis based on questions that sharpen one’s line of inquiry. These questions will be considered through writing, diagramming and documenting (sketching). How might this influence one’s own design investigations? The course culminates with a written “manifesto” of your ideas and research. The manifesto should reflect your own ideas and concerns about architecture which also needs to draw on key issues we have studied in class.
The underlying investigation of the seminar will focus on the natural and built world we live in, on ecology through theories and design as they influence architecture and the urban environment.
Students will be responsible for doing all the reading/research/writing for the case study, participate in all the seminar discussions, make an interesting case study presentation and create a well written final manifesto.
Attendance and participation in all seminar discussions
Quality of the Mid-term: written Case Study and verbal presentation
Quality of Final Paper and your graphics
* If your paper is late there will be a penalty: for every day it is late you will receive the deduction of a grade. For example, grade A will be A- (1st day), B+ (2nd day),, B, B-, C+, C, C-,etc.
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