Do you find value in MacKay-Lyons’ “Three F’s for an Architecture of Regionalism: fitting, framing and forming?”

Absolutely. I do find the 3 F’s – Fitting, framing and forming important to designing a space. It is important for the building to sit well on site which would take care of most sustainability issues we are dealing with today, when the building is oriented correctly and when all climate factors are taken care off. Framing is the next integral part of the process. Form though adds value to aesthetics, it takes least priority of the 3.

On the contrast, I am not sure if Lyons principles are applied on his own buildings. It seemed ironical when all the examples looked very similar specially in terms of frame and form. It makes one skeptical about how all of these buildings that look and function similar can fit into different sites/conditions.


Would you like to participate in building the Ghosts? (This implies, “would you like to have that design/build experience.”)

It is very important to “apply” what is taught at school. Practical knowledge is very essential to understand architecture and designing better. The offices I have worked in dealt with a wide range of projects which helped me understand designing of different spaces better. Learning construction details and practically difficulties helped me deal with a design problem with more pragmatic approach. When such an opportunity presents itself, it is hard to turn it down. I would definitely take it up without second thought.

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