Brian MacKay-Lyons
Do you find value in Lyon’s “Three F’s for an Architecture of Regionalism: fitting, framing, and forming?”
I do find value especially in the communication skills that “Three F” portrays. Fitting, framing and forming should be the basis of any architectural designers process. But people, especially clients, can grab onto the concept of regionalism through the “Three F” quickly and without code architect talk. Being able to articulate design value is critical for an architect to sell certain aspects of a project that may increase cost. The Howard House beautifully fits into the coastal context while forming a dynamic language through the simple frame.
Would you like to participate in building the Ghosts?
I definitely would like to participate in building the Ghosts and don’t understand why it would be more expensive. Yes as a student to pay tuition and work for free it is expensive but as a project using free labor and most likely cheap sourced materials it sounds inexpensive. The design build process provides students a hands on learning experience to the consequences of design decisions. A comprehensive understanding of the construction processes is imperative for a designer in having a clue what the design is going to cost. However, the design build process is not the only way for architects to gain knowledge into the construction methods.