Rick Joy

Do you think his use of materials and building form are convincing?  Use specific examples.

Rick Joy has really managed to achieve a good architectural piece by experimenting and exploring more from the Historic and regional aspects of architecture with a modern twist in the Vermont house. His play with materials and details  and the right usage of materials in the right areas or walls makes it special. I think the real art is that with the building being site, region and climate responsive, It is important for it to have the right details and materials which makes it unique and successful.

Looking into the History and tradition I always thought eaves are important parts and details of the roof and according to Joy ” there are no eaves: “With no eaves, there are no icicles,” since water backing up inside the warm roof on a long eave can create dams of ice. “Sometimes you have to rethink traditional construction details,” he says. Rethinking on the same I think that makes sense and really appreciate the art of customizing details and responding to the need of every project. The 152 feet long  house made me wonder of its efficiency in planning and stability but reading more on it being layered and having post-and-beam steel bents, 12 feet on center,so that ceilings could go up as high as 22 feet and allow open spans have convinced me.

His attention to the width of windows being used as skylights on the roof for views, location of openings on walls and  to make the best of the pond to save energy, by installing a small hydroelectric plant as an energy resource draw lines towards sustainability.

Do you think the experimental characteristic of his projects is in anyway compromised by his fundamental basics?

I don’t think the experimental characteristic of his projects has in anyway compromised the fundamental basics as he rethinks or questions every aspects of design and customizes as required for the particular project responding to the region, site, climate and the needs  of the projects. It can be said as that he is thinking from all ways to bring out the best suited solution.

– Vijayeta

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