Rick Joy

Do you think his use of materials and building form are convincing?

Rick Joy’s use of materials in the Woodstock Farm house are completely convincing to overall site context.  The use of stone walls and cedar roofing speaks to the vernacular style and building methods of the region.  The form isn’t an expression of his own design ego but rather a reflection to the rural barn structures in the northwest.  What is most convincing is the modern details that speak to the family’s life style.  Large open floor plan and ample of amounts of light that provoke energy and activity.

Do you think the experiential characteristic of his project is in anyway compromised by his fundamental basics?

I think Rick Joy enhanced his fundamental values by creating such beautiful experiences within his structures.  His projects lead a comprehensive execution through every detail which gives an originality.  His attitude towards environmental design bridges the disparity that ecological design has to be distinctly a certain way and rather, design still holds the hierarchy to the process of designing and building.

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