Uffelen & Wines

Are Uffelen’s historical examples and attention to materials regarding environmentally friendly technology convincing?

I do so believe that Uffelen’s historical examples and attention to materials regarding environmentally friendly technology is convincing to a point. Materiality is a very important aspect in creating a sustainable building, understanding what each different materials properties are will help in deciding when and where to use those materials. However, not all material is available everywhere, Uffelen goes into this very briefly, but this is what makes some materials less sustainable in one location and not in another. Here is where is attention to technology really begins to support his ideas of materiality because it’s with the combination of both sustainable materials and technology that one begins to create a truly sustainable and innovative piece of architecture.

 Is sustainability put as a priority above style or structural function in the United States?

Currently I do not believe that it is set at a high enough priority, in some cases it is the driving force of a project, but more often than not, it is a secondary thought with technology being used at last minute as a sort of cosmetic addition. However, I do believe that the Unites States is moving towards a more sustainable nation in which sustainability will become the backbone of every architectural project.

Are you able to design an ecologically-inspired art of building in the Age of Ecology in your present studio?

I believe that one can design an ecologically-inspired art of building in any studio of any time, one must only decided at the conception of the design that it is going to be ecologically inspired.  having and ecologically-inspired art of a building would have been a great benefit to my studio project as it is a building on a square near a park. If the design of the square was designed ecologically and that would influence the main square building, which would influence that rest of the buildings on the square and lastly that surrounding buildings to be built around the area.

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