Ricardo Legorreta

Both the Camino Real Hotel and Solana projects by Legorreta reflect a strong understanding of culture and climate.  Legoretta balances both the nature of Mexican culture and his own ambitions well.  The projects show a beauty in simplicity that is rare for projects of this scale.  The balconies of the Camino Real Hotel feel intimate and private yet open completely to the surrounding nature and stack in close proximity to hundreds of similar balconies.  The simple beauty continues in Legorreta’s response to climate.  The lack of air conditioning in the living space begs the inhabitants to relax and find a spot in the shade, under a fan to escape the heat.  The simple omission of a common modern amenity almost forces the occupant to do exactly what they came there to do, relax and slow down.  Legorreta has managed to balance high architecture with one that is a servant to people.

-jd gutermuth

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