
1. Lyon’s approach to regional architecture is inspirational.  His motto of fitting, framing, and forming are aspects all designers should use when assessing a project.  The importance of craftsmanship is something that is often overlooked.  A well-built structure will last longer than a cheaply built, ill-fitted building.  The examples of Lyon’s residential constructions in Nova Scotia each epitomize the essence of his motto and approach to architecture.  The homes assess the sites, use vernacular styling and material, yet are individually tailored to the client’s needs.  I would love to see MacKay take on a larger, non-residential project.

2. I would absolutely love to participate in MacKay-Lyon’s Ghost build project.  I feel it critical that designers have hands on construction experience.  Like the article by Vitruvius, it is important for architects to be well-rounded.  A design-build studio like this would give young designers an upper hand when entering the workplace.  I would love to see University of Oregon find a design build program for its students.

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