How would you define [Legorreta’s] architectural accomplishments for the two projects Solana and Camino Real Hotel, Extapa related to culture and climate?
Legorreta’s design for the Camino Real Hotel, Extapa in relation to climate and culture, I believe are well accomplished. The way that Legorreta lays out the master plan, having almost no air conditioning to relate to the natural climates on the cost. Tying his building back to how the people of Mexico would have lived. The way that we uses the slope to his advantage and does not touch the beach but instead creates pathways throughout the site relating back to the notion of Mexico and the walking culture. The use of his materials as well is a language that speaks to how things are built in Mexico. Having been to many different location in Mexico, ranging from the small farm village that my father grew up in to the large city of Guadalajara that my mother grew up in, to coastal tourist areas, I have seen the way that architecture in Mexico was built. The way that Logerreta uses material and culture speaks very nicely to the culture of Mexico and the way architecture was built.
As for Solana, Logorreta is much more reserved in the formal aspect of the architecture but at the same time much more free with his use of color in relation to the Camino Real Hotel. There are some aspects of The Camino Real Hotel that show up in Solana formally and with color. However, I do believe that the freedom of the color palate does relate more to the cultural relations that that of the Camino Real Hotel. I believe that the climate relation was accomplished successfully in both projects as the material and the use of water and natural landscapes create an architecture that is true to the climate.