
I value the principles behind the three F’s, as I would guess most architects would. Throughout my education, the first thing we tackle in studio projects is a thorough examination of the context. Basing a design in the context sets the stage for a successful design. Perhaps this is a theme of our generation of architects? That being said, the three F’s are a little vague to me and I do not think it is anything groundbreaking. I understand that MacKay-Lyons designs with the environment and vernacular architecture in mind but his projects look extremely alike. I am now curious to learn more about the regional style in Nova Scotia – perhaps his forms would make more sense with this knowledge. Also in the reading, the “form” idea was not clearly explained. MacKay-Lyons strives to generate the form of a building from the context, but again, the projects in the reading all have the same  shape. I do, however, value his knowledge of construction. I would really love to participate in a design/build project. Hands-on experience would without a doubt be valuable for every architect – this knowledge would be valuable from the beginning to the end of a project (especially when drawing details!). I am wondering if Kara meant that the Ghosts program itself was expensive.. I am going to look into it now!

I want to give a shout out to Danielle for consistently insightful blog posts! Nice!


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